💫Trips With Q.N

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Went to the zoo with Reiji, he kept trying to climb in the monkey cage "to get a closer look"

Went to a restaurant with Camus, he treated you like a queen -and stared at you alot.

Went to the arcade with Ai, he owned you in every single game but made it up to you by using his tickets to buy you a teddy bear.

Went to the park with Ranmaru, you two had a barbeque together and tested how many strawberries you can catch in your mouth a few times.

Went to help out at Reiji's family restaurant, had a little food fight in the kitchen, but you cleaned it up right after.

Went to a candy store with Camus, he bought you both giant lolipops and a plastic bag full of smaller candy.

Went to the aquarium with Ai, he ended up taking more pictures of you then the actual fish.

Went to a rock concert with Ranmaru, afterwards you got matching shirts and wristbands at one of their merch stands.

Went to a restaurant with Camus, he treated you like a queen -and stared at you alot.

Went to the zoo with Reiji, he kept trying to climb in the monkey cage "to get a closer look"

Went to the aquarium with Ai, he ended up taking more pictures of you then the actual fish.

Went with Reiji on a car ride, he played his favorite music and you two sang together

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