Chapter One: Doodles of a Lost Love

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It was a typical day in Beach City, not a thing was out of the ordinary, the seagulls cawed over the waves of the crashing blue sea and the townsfolk happily served the few tourists who came by.  The sun baked the backs of beach dwellers as they gleefully swam in the waves.  Indeed it was a normal day, nothing unusual of any sorts was happening to the town.  But there were some inhabitants that were far less than happy, despite the cheery mood of the town.   They were glum and filled with worry, they had been like this for weeks, no one understood why.  These women were practically heroes and have saved the town, with the help of a young boy named Steven, numerous times and were quite humble about their accomplishments.  However, in recent days they haven't been coming into town as often as usual for they were on a mission something they did often for the past while.

They were sitting on the couch in the small house that connected to the temple in which they lived.  One of them was pale skinned, with creamy pink hair, teal eyes, she wore a long teal shirt tied with a sash, had yellow shorts, pink knee highs, teal ballet slippers, and was rather tall as well as thin.     The others were no taller than a child, one was red with thick, dark brown hair tied back with a maroon head band, she wore dark brown shorts and a maroon tank top accompanied by maroon shoes.  The purple one had messy, long grey purple hair, a torn white shirt and black pants whit star shaped holes at the knees.  The boy, Steven, had fluffy brown hair, chocolate eyes, and wore a deep pink shirt with a large star on the front with pale blue jeans.  Each of them had a gemstone on their bodies, a smooth white one was on the fore head of the tallest woman, the red one had a red gemstone with a square cut on her left palm, and the purple one had a deep violet stone engraved with a hexagon on her chest, and Steven's pink pentagonal, gem was hidden under his shirt.  They all watched as Steven's pencil moved across the paper, although the purple had less interest, she stood up and marched towards the fridge and began to nosily rummage through it.  Steven looked up from his work and smiled brightly as she returned with her arms full of food.  

Steven smiled brightly as she dropped a small banana next to him, "Hey, thanks Amethyst!"

"Don't mention it dude."  Amethyst shrugged as she cracked open a soda splattering some of it onto the paper.

"AMETHYST!"  The taller woman hissed snatching the paper from under Steven's arm causing him to flinch, "Do you realize how important this is to Ruby!"  She shook the paper in Amethyst's face then gestured to the muscular red woman, "I swear you can be so careless sometimes!"

The purple girl rolled her eyes, "Yeah, what ever Pearl.  I hate to break it to you, but this is like the fifth time you've made him draw that, he needs a break, and I'm sure it won't hurt to make him do it a sixth time, right Steven?"

Steven nodded happily, "It is kind of fun to try to draw someone from memory."

"But this isn't just a drawing Steven," Pearl sighed softly, "This is supposed to be an accurate representation of Sapphire that we will post in towns all across the Earth, just to see if anyone has seen her!"

"You've made him work on one of these after every mission for the past week P!"  Amethyst snorted, "If you want it done 'right' then do it yourself!"

"You know that I'm not that great of an artist." 

As the two gems continued to argue, Ruby slid down to the table and grabbed a piece of paper as well as a pencil.  Steven was too focused on trying to break up the heated argument to notice Ruby's doodling.  The red gem had no reason to wait, she had waited long enough, and if there was one thing she had learned from Sapphire it was patience.  The pencil slid roughly across the paper as uneasy strokes became something far more.  The other gems settled as they watched the lines form on the paper.  Ruby didn't even notice she let the pencil flow like water on the paper not stopping for the better part of an hour.  She glanced up to see Steven, Pearl, and Amethyst staring intently at her.

Ruby raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"Ruby, those drawings are amazing!" Steven gasped.

Ruby looked down at the doodles.  They were each of Sapphire, her long, wavy hair, fluffy dress, and one of them showed her single eye as she brushed her bangs aside.  Ruby didn't understand why they were all so surprised, it really wasn't that big of a deal to her, she didn't draw very often but her art was rather decent.  Yet they were all staring agape as if she had just doodled a masterpiece.

"I don't get what the big deal is."  Ruby muttered, "I mean, sure I can draw Sapphire, but I've literally been fused with her for thousands of years.  Of course I know what she looks like."

"But we had no idea you could draw like that."  Amethyst stated as she picked up the page, "It that looks just like her!"  She passed the page to Steven who too stared in awe.

Ruby was still a little confused, it wasn't at all that good.  All she had done was remember her love's face and drew her as she recalled every detail.   It wasn't the end of the world, besides she had an itching feeling, along with Pearl and Amethyst, that the humans out side of Beach City would take this as a joke.  There was no way that any human would believe that there was a small blue woman, dressed like a princess, with one bright eye hidden under her long bangs ever existed out side of fantasy.  She would either be too scary or too beautiful to be real.  But it was Steven's idea so it was more to make him feel better.

The Gems had agreed that they would take the drawing to Vidalia's to borrow her copying machine, which she was happy to let them borrow.  It was run down and rather dusty, but it would have to do.  It took Pearl a while to get it running she spent what felt like hours removing and replacing wires until the thing finally started up.  They were up until midnight writing "have you seen me?" on the hundred of fliers in as many different languages as they could, Steven wound up falling asleep, and had to awoken and lead home by the gems with their arms full of paper.  He have about collapsed into his bed.  While Pearl gently pulled the blankets over him, Ruby stared anxiously out the window, and prayed that wherever Sapphire was, she was alright.

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