V.R. Witches, Titanfall V.R.

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The Witches were gathered together, in their R&R Lounge. " All right, let's get ready. Once we put on our headgear, we'll be transferred

to the Lobby. Once in there, we'll select our side, and loadout. We can be, ' Malitia' or "IMC' and get some pretty interesting guns. ",

said Yoshika. " O.k., let's do this.", said Minna.

They put on their V.R. Gear, and were taken to a gritty, slightly filthy, sci - fi 'control center '. " Welcome to the ' Lobby '.", said Yoshika.

Then, each Witch proceeded to select their side and equipment. But, Perrine made an error. " I'M WITH THE IMC? I need to change.",

said the Blonde Gallian. " Um, Sorry, Perrine -san. Once you select your side, it cannot be changed, until the next mtach.", said Yoshika.

" Oh, you are now, ' The Bad Guy '. YOU PAINTED A BULL'SEYE ON YOUR BUTT!", said Eila. " Enough. Let's go.", said Minna.

Thus, the match started. ' I need not to, shoot my squadronmates, accept Eila. I want to give her a 'dererrie' FULL OF LEAD!', thought

Perrine. Then, she started to shoot at, NPCs right or left.

Yoshika, had no trouble navigating the gmae map, and 'run and gun ' her way through, for an impressive kill streak. Naoe caught up to

her, and asked, " Do you think, some of the others, would cause Perrine trouble?" " Well, her attitude did rub us the wrong way. So,

those like, Francesca, Eila or Erica, may try to extract some vengeance. ", replied Yoshika.

If Perrine was honest with herself, she enjoyed the mechanics and physics of the game. As she was hopping from buidling to

building and using acrobatics and parkour. Then, somebody took a shot at her. The Gallain Blonde, landed onto the crumbling

streets, and was confronted by, Eila. " Told you, you had a Bull'seye on you.", she said. " And your ' Dererrie ' is mine.", replied

Perrine. Then, they started to exchange shots, and cursing each other, in their naitive tounges.

Sanya, spotted a cluster of IMC troops in a Cul - De - Sac of the ruined city. She threw out her hand, and placed down a marker.

" Stand by, for Titanfall.", said a female voice in her helmet. Then, she heard a roaring noise and a 'pod' split and a giant

robot arrived. It scooped up the tiny Orussian, and placed her, in its' chest. Then, she said, " Let's go."

Shirley, Gertrude, and Naoe, was caught in a heavy firefight, with IMC Forces. Then, the enemy soldiers were blown away, by

missile strike. A Titan walked over to them, and the chest cockpit opened and Yoshika and the Titan given a thumbs up.

Minna and Gundula was duleing with IMC Titans and their own, as another arrived. " Banzai! ", shouted Sakamoto.

And, she proceded to dismantle the enemies, with her Titan's blade.

The girls removed their V.R. sets, and Minna said, " Let's take a break, until the next round. And, Eila will be IMC this time."

The Sumous Witch knew, there were no room for arguments.

Then, the second round started. Eila, just rounded a corner, and was attacked by Malitia Forces, and Francesca.

" What are you doing? I never did anything to you!", said Eila. " Sorry, but you're on the enemy side. ", replied the Romangian girl.

Eila, flashed a rather rude finger gesture, and ran into a nearby warehouse, right to Perinne. " What was that charimg phrase you

used? Ah yes, ' You have a Bull's eye painted on your butt.' ", said The Gallian. Then, the duel of native tounges, insults, and weapon

fire started once again.

Yoshika, Lynette, and Hikari was involved in a heavy firefight with IMC forces. Yoshika, laid down a ' marker ' and a female voice

said, " Stand by, for Titanfall."  Then, a Titan smashed its' way through the building roof, put Yoshika in itself, and let the other

Witches ride, and mow over the enemy.

The ladies removed the V.R. Gear, and MInna said, " Let's take a break." 


V.R. Witches, Titanfall V.R.Where stories live. Discover now