Worse News - Chap. 8

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Chapter 8


‘’Lauren would you please just sit down? You’re making me nervous!’’ Dinah says loudly. Lauren sighs. ‘’I’m sorry, I’m just.. anxious.’’ Lauren answers, stopping her little walks around the living room and standing in front of Dinah.

‘’We’re all nervous Lo, but pacing around like that won’t help.’’ Normani says carefully, looking up at her best friend. Lauren nods. ‘’I know. I just wish she was back already. What is even taking them so long?’’ she says tiredly, letting herself fall down on the couch next to Dinah.

‘’They’re probably just asking some questions. She wasn’t arrested when she left the bar with them, so I’m sure she’ll be back any moment now.’’ Tyler says, never stopping his gentle massage on Normani’s shoulders.

‘’Yeah, but asking questions can’t take almost three hours right?’’ Lauren asks, still not entirely sure what’s happening. Tyler shrugs. He tries to be casual about it, hoping to relax Lauren a little bit, but this whole situation doesn’t feel good to him.

Lauren rubs her temples, feeling a bad headache coming up. She closes her eyes for a moment, trying to calm herself down. The detectives made it clear that they just wanted to ask Camila some questions about Ally. They never mentioned it was about her being dead. Maybe they didn’t even know about that. Lauren sighs.

‘’You know, you never told me what exactly happened that day.’’ Normani says, turning around to face Tyler. Dinah sits up a little too. Lauren looks at him but Tyler sighs and smiles shortly at his girlfriend. ‘’You don’t want to know.’’ He says simply.

‘’No, I do want to know. I want to know what went down in that house, so I can understand in how much trouble Camila can possibly be in right now.’’ She says back, making Lauren close her eyes as she tries to suppress the slight panic attack that’s rising within her.

‘’Normani it’s not that I don’t want you to understand this, or that I don’t want to tell you. But really, its better that you know as little as possible.’’ He answers carefully. He knows, that if things get serious between Camila and those detectives, that they’ll need witnesses. And the less witnesses the better.

Normani opens her mouth again to protest, but Tyler beats her to it. ‘’Please trust me. It’s better to not know what happened.’’ He says sweetly but sternly. All girls in the room know not to push the subject any further. Tyler rarely says things with a sense of finality, but when he does, you know the topic is finished.

‘’Alright, I guess you’re right Ty.’’ Dinah says, making the boy look over at her and nod. ‘’But how much trouble could Mila really be in?’’ she asks, wanting to know the worst case scenario. Tyler shrugs. ‘’I don’t know. If they found out everything that happened, it could be really serious.’’ He says, making Lauren squeeze her eyes shut for a moment once again.

‘’But I can’t see how they would find out about everything. So I think we don’t have a lot to worry about.’’ He adds, giving Lauren a pointed look. Lauren nods and sighs. She and Tyler are the only ones in the room that know what really happened back then. But even Lauren isn’t sure Camila has told her everything.

Worse News (sequel to Bad News)Where stories live. Discover now