This trip took an unexpected turn

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A/N so yeah I had a really weird dream and I decided "hey why not write a fan fiction about this wow such a great idea" so here you go happy birthday enjoy.

I don't live too far from New York City, so I decided to take a day trip there on a Sunday. It's always fun to walk around the city, eat a bunch of junk food, and buy a bunch of shit that I don't need. What I didn't consider, however, was just how hot it was gonna be that day. Even with my crop top and jean shorts, I was S W E A T I N G. So of course, the one thing that was really on my mind was ICE CREAM. I searched around a little before seeing a big sign that read "The Not-Suspicious Ice Cream Store." huh, weird name, but hey, it must not be suspicious if the sign says it isn't! I thought. I took a picture of the sign with my phone because um it was freaking hiLARIOUS. As I began to write a message to the "Weird AF Cult" group chat on discord about this, I walked into the store, my eyes still glued to my phone. When I looked up, I was shocked.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." um, excuse me, WHAT?? LITERALLY all of my favorite gaming youtubers worked here?? The heck is going on? I thought to myself. I looked around, trying to figure out who I should approach first. My eyes land on JP, who was working the cash register. Good, someone who knows me I thought. I'm one of JP's twitch mods, so he would probably be the best person to talk to right now. He could probably explain what's going on without me having to go through the awkward process of introducing myself to people. I walked over to him and, being the very confused little blue haired potato I was, asked, "Ummm... JP? Is that you? I thought you lived in Florida..?"
He looked up from what he was doing, and a horrified expression crossed his face. "Shay!? Y-you can't be here!" He whisper-shouted.
"But??? This??? Is??? A public??? Ice cream??? Place???" I was vERY confused.
"I can explain everything later, but you HAVE to go! Run while you can!"
"WHY ARE ALL THESE YOUTUBERS HERE???" I shouted with much confusion. Suddenly, everything went silent for a brief moment, and then...
Alarms started going off. All the other customers ran out of the store. I'm quite sensitive to loud noises, so I was a little spooked and couldn't move for a few seconds. Once I was able to shake off that shock, I felt someone grab me from behind
"Wha-HEY! LET GO OF ME!" I shouted. Alright Sarah, your six years of Taekwondo are about to pay off... I did a quick kick to the mysterious person's knees. After letting out a yelp of surprise, he let go of me. I turned around, my hands up to protect myself, to see who it was. It was none other than Markiplier. I mean, in any other situation, I would have lOVED to meet Mark. But like, idgaf who you are, don't FREAKIN GRAB ME FROM BEHIND LIKE THAT OR I WILL DESTROY YOU.
Anyways, I was ready to defend myself from whoever tried anything else like that, but then I saw Wade, Ethan, Jack, Bob, Mark, Felix... oh gosh... how many of them are there..?
They were all surrounding me. All of em. Every single one of them was ready to fite me. Now I'm not the type to give up usually, but... yeah there's no way I was about to fight dozens of people at a time.
"Ahahah... hah... ha............ wassup guuuuuys? How ya dooooiiiin....?" Silence. Damn, my attempt at being quirky and relatable failed. I looked back at JP.
"Duuuude, a little help here?" I whispered. He just looked away like he didn't have a clue who I was.
"Sorry, who are you?" He asked
I mean, what are they even gonna do? Kidnap me?

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