Random thoughts-1

20 1 2

- What if a minnow ate a shark?

- Tinkle splash

- Tinkle off

- Hey! Look at this fan spinning so fast, we can't see it! Let's stick our fingers in it!

- Do birds know how to smile?

- Why is cake always so delicious?

-Will my drawings ever get better?

- I have to pee

- If Americans are just immigrated from Europe, then why do they have accents and different words than we do?

- What would stick flavored biscuits taste like?

- Are rocks edible?

- What if oxygen is poisonous and it just takes about a century to kill us?

- Can you build a spaceship out of bricks?

- How much does the Solar System weigh?

- If cookies are biscuits and biscuits are cookies, what does that make oranges?

- Can it really be a spaceship if there is no space inside it?

- If some makeup is made of bat crap, is bat crap made of makeup?

- Is there really any space in space?

- What is space made of?

- Can you see air?

- Are you really never touching something if you jump and are suspended in midair?

- If all living things are made of cells, then what are cells made of?

- When God made man first, did he intend the man to be a rough draft of the final copy: women?

- If God can do anything, can he make a rock he can't lift?

- How old is God really?

3 A.M. Thoughts with Kate and ElaineWhere stories live. Discover now