Tag #2

24 1 5

Eye color: Brown :/

Hair color: also brown :/

Fact: I enjoy drawing! Digital or good old fashioned paper and pencil is fine.(not to be that bitch but follow my art Instagram if ya feel like it: @Tired_andUninspired

Favorite color: Probably red, second would be lavender

Favorite place: ooo a toughie, my grandma's house at 3 am watching dateline murder shows

Favorite animal: Wolf

Favorite song: omg don't make me choose one.. Uh how about anything by Panic! At the disco

Favorite books: I LOVE the Shadow Hunter books by Cassandra Clare

Favorite TV show(s): Voltron Legendary Defender(duh), Criminal Minds, I love Disney movies(not a TV show but whatever), and murder shows. (I'm not a psychopath I swear)

Random Fact: Did you know that *instantly forgets every random/useless piece of information I know* Uhhh... Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere?

cleo1106  (suck my dick)
SLPNGWSRNS (you can if you want I guess)
Faith_2000_  (please don't suck my dick)
@jesus (save my soul lmao)

If I tagged you just ignore it cuz I'm bored, k? K.

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