how about sunrise land?

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Good morning it's **, this story will all be written by me... so guess what time it is at the start of this writing? 05:15 in the morning. So it's really early, and I drank alot of OJ last night so I think I'm having a hang over. Darn it OJ have to make me drunk again.

So today I've gotta get some new drumming sticks and maybe finally get some more progress on my animatic? It's been almost 5 days and I've been working on the same ordering part of it, the part where the thing is actually happened will be even fuckin harder (Link of the wip at the top) aaa (lol kinda quit because pc broke xx)

Someone asked me who my idol was last night, I don't even know who the person was but they just came up to me and went "Yo who's yo idol." And I looked at him, I think he was a youtuber and he put a mic to my face and I put my face really close to the mic and stared into the camera, and in the most dead voice. . . "memeulous" then i walked away.

That was fun lol.

Anyways my name is ** it's now 05:24 AM and I'll see you all in a fanfic you guys still haven't seen yet :0

the sun is a deadly laserDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora