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I thinks now I know the answer why he is being adore by all the girls out there. Having a perfect body shape and handsome face is a typical ideal type of a girl. For a second I honestly said that I'm admiring his face. And now I have wake up to the reality.

I don't know what to do right now. I'm just so shocked. And now I thinks my face has gotten all red. As I look down and about to turn away from him, he lower down his face in front of me to see my face. I take a step back and ran to the other corner. I quickly grab any chocolates that I think the best and go straight away to the counter.
I could feel there is somebody behind me and my inner instinct will never disappoint me. A hand make me shocked me as he give his money notes to the cashier to pay my things. I look back and it is him. Yes it is Kuanlin. "Thank you". That's the only words that I can said to him and i step out from the shop.

I slow down as I am getting further from the store. But the truth is he is now beside me. I don't know why he is now following me like I am the one who's wrong. I bravely start to talk. "What do you want?" He then about to give me some money. I think it is his style to ask for forgiveness from people but pls I'm not that kind of girl. As I see quite thick money in his hand, I starts to go home and just ignore him. Oh duh, I don't need that sort of things. Three steps and he is now in front of me again. Why is this happening to me? Ahh. "Take this". Finally I can hear his deep voice. With this voice he can melt many girls out there. "No! I'm not that cheap okay!" He then slowly whisper to me, "so what do you want?" What he is doing right now! I then about to whisper to him with a loud voice kinda shout actually "Just stay away from me, I don't want to see your face." I go back home as fast as I can. He has successfully ruined my day again as he broke my plan to hang around Hongdae today. Huh what a day.

Just like yesterday, I wake up late. Doing nothing. I think today I need to find another job. I prepare myself and take a walk. I look around and I can see there's an interesting shop to work. A music shop. Full with albums CD, some music instruments. I could see there's guitar, keyboard and violin there. In instant I am now in the shop. I ask politely if there's any job that I can do. And there it is. What a day! After having two unlucky days I finally got luck today. Even it is a part time job I am so happy right now.

I start my job today. I jammed to the song that is playing. "Hit you with that Ddu-du-Ddu-du." I am asked to arrange all the new albums that arrive today. After finishing the work. I am ask to in charge of the music playlist. To gain people attention, this shop will play new songs. It is a really fun work despite the bartender. But today i am working alone, just with the owner. Since today is Saturday maybe his workers take a holiday. It is not that tired working at this place. I walk around my new workplace and a voice shocked me as he is asking for BTS's new album. Without looking at his face I lead the way and searching it. I hand the album with a happy voice " Here it is. Enjoy it!" But then my innocent smile become to be like a forced smile as I see Kuanlin was in front of me. I think today is my lucky day but nah!

Hoony text message shook me. He asked me if I'm okay. I open up my story about today and yesterday. He seems to be worried about me but I told him that I was fine since I got a new life now.

There is less customers this day maybe because of today is Monday. After the school ends. Many high schoolers comes to check their bias update. And this disgusting (?) guy comes. "When will you come back home? " Since when he has become so friendly. "6". "I will take you home today" He then left without any other words. I am so speechless. The owner seems to be happy that he allow me to go home at 5:45 pm. It is only 15minutes early but yes it makes me feel so happy. I still remember Kuanlin's words this morning but who cares. He must be playing around. My instinct disappoint me today as the first thing that I see when I am outside the shop is him. He looks so damn perfect with that black shirt. Ah forget it. But I still a girl who is still melt by handsome men but not so easy. I could see he starts to walk to me and help me by carrying my backpack. Without any words I follow him to his car. "He's driving?" I think I have said it slowly but suddenly his voice make me shock again. "No, my driver drives. I still under age okay". Suddenly I think I am the stupid girl ever bcs I am following him. What to do. I pray that he will do nothing to me. I confidently lie about my real address and he just nod and ask his driver to go.

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