The Return of Troll Harmony 2

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Karkat turned around to see a troll that had his face covered with a cape and wearing nothing but long thights up to his chest by his appearance he have knew he was the Troll Jegus

"Her life was supposed to be unending but the Condense killed her like it was a trick of the wind but she's still there you cant just see her..Karkat my son you have to defeat the Condense by using the elements of troll harmony with the help of your friends which are already here wearing their necklaces you only have to defeat her by turning her to stone which friendship itself will do for you"

as Karkat faced The Condense all of his friends appeared and karkat began to say

"You may have turned our blessings to curses but you will never the most powerful element of all


and then his friends' necklaces turned the Condesce to stone the ncklaces of karkat's friends shot him and karkat disappeared with no trace

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