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Okay, I dont get why guys think we paint eachothers toes and nails at sleepovers. NO! We stay on our phones and laptop all night. Maybe we talk about boys. I wanted to write about this because Im over my friends house and we stayed in the internet until…Her wifi stopped working in the middle of me talking to my baby.  Anywhoree um…These are things girls DONT do at sleepovers


*Have pilliow fights

*jump on the bed

* play board games

*Do that stupid ass game whoever sleeps first gets whatever on their face.

*wear footie pj's


I sometimes wear footie pj's they are comfortable in the winter. I just cant sleep in them. I gotta sleep a shirt, bra and my panties.

we dont do that stuff that guys think we do. we are simple at sleepovers this is what we do…


*On our phones and laptops


*Talk about boys



Thats all we do okay? Well most f us. See ya next time *smiles*

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