The break through

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The Cullen's left forks,  Bella was taking it hard I swear it's like she's a zombie she just sits in her room and stares out the window...months passed and she was still screaming at night and staring outside all day when she went to school she would sit at the table The Cullen's used to sit at.   "Is she gonna be okay?"Angela asked looking at where my sister sat alone " I honestly don't know.....I hope so!"  I murmur there was a piece of me that wondered if this was something with a vampire maybe she spent too much time around the days spread on I noticed Charlie was getting annoyed with all her sulking,  one day I was walking out to my car,  when I heard dad "your going to live with your mother in Jacksonville,  my eyes turned to where Dad and Bella stood she was fumbling for an answer but it was me who created the perfect way for her to get ou of this i stride towards them heels clicking "Bella arint you going shopping with Jessica and I tonight."  I ask not sure why I did it but something in my heart broke to think of moving to Jacksonville and I believe it was somehow centered around the boy from my dreams.  "Yeah we going shopping"Bella said lamely to dad but he bought it and we were off to school. 
(The outfit for the movie/shopping trip)

That evening Bella chose to go to a movie instead of shopping so jess and I tagged along it was a horror film and by the end of it jess was in a foul mood complaining about the movie and Bella's depression

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

That evening Bella chose to go to a movie instead of shopping so jess and I tagged along it was a horror film and by the end of it jess was in a foul mood complaining about the movie and Bella's depression.  Looking around I notice a group of guy standing with motorcycles "come on!" I say urgently grabbing Bella's arm to tow her along but she stops causing me to yank hard on her arm and loose my balance falling to the ground.  Bella didn't even seem to notice "I think I know those guys" she says "well they seem great can we go?" Jess says helping me to my feet but Bella strides forward towards the men stops once then continues I'm yelling at her telling her to stop but does she listen as if! She climbs on some creeps motorcycle and they ride off few minutes later returning with an excited looking Bella I ignore her and Jessica arguing choosing to get in my car the trip was over!

As time went on i bearly spoke to Bella not that it mattered much I spent most of my time at work at the dinner and Bella spent hers at LaPush doing god knows what.   One day I came home counting my tips for the day to see Jacob pacing outside " you okay?"  I ask raising an eyebrow "filthy bloodsuckers!  I'm going in" Jacob says and I follow him in the house to see Alice sitting next to Bella speaking of werewolves "Bella werewolves are not good company to keep!"  Alice chimed "speak for yourself!" Jacob countered so Jacob is a werewolf is there nothing normal!!! Bella decides that she needs to talk to Jake but asks me to keep Alice company aka make sure she doesn't leave.  Time to get my questions answered.
Alice looked at me as I started
"So you and your family are vampires?" I ask yet the question seems foolish and a part of me hoped I was wrong
"Yes we are" she chimed softly I look up to see her eyes were almost black.
"You kill people?" I ask not wanting the answer but needing to know.
"No my family and i consider ourselves vegetarian because we only drink the blood of animals " she says and I nod
But suddenly her eyes go far away like seeing something no one else could then she is running for the house at inhuman speeds I fallow quickly behind "Alice what's wrong" Bella's voice was rough I didn't know why.  "It's Edward he thinks your dead he's going to Italy to the volturi he wants to die too!" She chimed "what?!" I ask but then I realize I'd heard that name before...where.....MY DREAMS! Bella started packing before anyone said anything else and so did I "where are you going?"  Bella asked as I grabbed my cash and passport "with you to make sure you are safe!" I lie smoothly "lets go" Alice chimed and Bella and I were running to her car Jacob begging Bella not to go then we were off to the airport
~~~~~~~~~time skip plane ride~~~~~~~~~
Arriving in Italy I can't help but gasp at its beauty changing quickly out of my work uniform in the airport bathroom

I quickly caught up with Alice and Bella in a shiny yellow porsh and we were flying as Alice drove us to Volterra  I hadn't noticed I zoned out till Bella was jumping out of the car Alice directing her where to go saying if Edward heard her though...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I quickly caught up with Alice and Bella in a shiny yellow porsh and we were flying as Alice drove us to Volterra  I hadn't noticed I zoned out till Bella was jumping out of the car Alice directing her where to go saying if Edward heard her thoughts he would rush in to it so Edward can hear thoughts good to know Alice parks the car and we are running thank goodness I know how to run in heels I hear voices as we reach a gate " the girl comes with us"  a males voice says "then you can go to hell" comes Edwards reply Alice snaps the lock on the gate and it swings open I meet Bella's fearful gaze as Alice quips "it's a festival you wouldn't wanna make a scene! " I notice how Bella is pushed slightly behind Edward as if he was protecting her "enough!" A childish voice says and a small blonde girl about 14 appears "Aro sent me to see what was taking so long" she looked pointedly at us then then turned and started walking down the corridor "just do what she says" Alice says to Bella and myself as we walk past the two men I chanced a glance up and my heart stopped...staring at me the boy of my dreams and everything else disappeared...

It was just the two of us in a field my heart if it still beat would be pounding as I took him in leaning casually against a tree "Hailey.." his voice was low dangerous his eyes sparked and he grinned "you can't hide from me"  and somehow I knew that already but it didn't scare me instead I grin "who said i was hiding" I countered. Then he was in front of me lips on mine....

The vision vanished and I could tell he saw it to Alice was yanking hard on my arm telling me we have to go so I walked putting my head down to avoid anymore visions.   He stood behind me in the elevator and I could feel his eyes on me so I spoke sarcasm dipping into my voice I turned to look at him in his red eyes  "Hi, I'm Hailey You're really cute. We should hang out sometime. You make me happy. You don't pay enough attention to me. This isn't working. It's you, not me. We can still be friends. Not really....." I smirk and follow Alice out ignoring what everyone else was saying just feeling him so close to me mad me feel complete like the piece I didn't know where missing fell in to place ( but also a small part of myself being so happy with my first words to him) "buon pomeriggio!" A female voice said as we crossed a waiting room "is she human?" Bella asked "yes "came Edward response "then why?" Bella asked and I answered "she wants to be" behind me a voice goes "and so she will be for desert" I turn to see Demitri smirking and I knew I should be scared but I wasn't all wanted was to take my hands through his hair and seen him smile at me and kiss him if the vision is anything like reality that kiss is worth dying for.

The Other Swan حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن