First day part two

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At lunch Oswald and bendy tried flirting with me and Oswald made the most annoying flirt ever so he said this

Oswald:Is your phone in your pocket because that was is calling me

Evey:oh shut up.Audrey HELP meee

Audrey:It is your fault you decided to sit next to the  most flirty boy in our group

Evey:I didn't decide cup wouldn't move over so I had to

Cuphead:I did also nothing

Audrey:Ok,ozzy knock it off

Oswald:Fiiiiiiiiine i will so you won't beat the shit outta me

Evey:*walks over to jaydn* we should totally make Audrey and cup kiss


Evey:*Pushes Audrey into cup making them kiss*

Mug:Nice one ev

Evey:it is my specialty

Audrey and Cup:GOD DAMMIT EVEY COME BACK HERE*starts to chase me*

There is more to be written so hope ya like it

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