Chapter 1: Otoya and Syo

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One day in Tokyo, a young blonde-haired male, named Syo smirked as he picked up a soccer ball and threw it into the air before balancing it on his head, in a confident manner.

"Yosh~! That game was really intense!"

A young redhead, named Otoya, chuckled softly as he walked over to a nearby bench and picked up his towel, promptly using it to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

"Hai~! It's awesome that they let us use their stadium too... this place is huge!"

Syo head-butted the soccer ball off his head and caught it in his hands before letting out a small chuckle and picking up his towel as he walked beside the young redhead.

"Yosh, it's amazing! I remember seeing a soccer match on TV once and it was right here! I never imagined that I would actually get to be here someday though!"


A few minutes later, after packing away their equipment, the two boys chuckled and continued to talk amongst themselves as they approached one of the stadium's entrances.

The young blonde-haired male looked down at his wristwatch before averting his gaze up at the redhead with a slightly worried expression.

"Otoya, we better go and get changed... the manager said that we should be out of here by 6."

The young redhead nodded in response and was about to follow beside Syo but soon stopped as he heard a small sobbing sound coming from near their position. He placed a hand on Syo's shoulder and pulled back on it slightly.

"Did you hear that, Syo?"

The young blonde gave Otoya a confused look but quickly turned around to face him as the sobbing soon turned into a loud cry.

"NOW I hear it! What is that noise?"

Otoya walked back to the bench and looked around, curiously as he walked over to one of the stadium's stands, trying to locate the source of the sound.

"It sounds like a baby."

Syo scratched his head and let out a small disbelieving sound as he followed behind the young redhead.

"It can't be! What would a baby be doing out here by itself, Otoya?!"

Otoya let out a sad sigh and frowned slightly as he turned back to Syo.

"Maybe it was left behind... you see, sometimes parents just aren't ready to accept their responsiblities, Syo."

The young blonde made a sympathetic expression as he let out a small sigh and walked around the area, looking behind benches and stands for the infant.

"You're right. We better make sure this kid is alright..."

"Hai, let's keep looking..."


After a few minutes of searching, Otoya let out a small gasp as he peeked behind one of the bleachers and noticed some movement occuring underneath a (f/c) blanket on the ground. He looked back at Syo and shouted before running towards the blanket.

"Over here, Syo!"

The young blonde looked up from where he was looking and quickly sprinted over to Otoya's position.

"Otoya! Did you find-- what the...?!"

As Syo approached Otoya, he let out a small gasp as he couldn't believe his eyes. There on the ground, was a small baby girl with brunette coloured hair. She was crying loudly and pounding her tiny fists against the ground.

Starish/Quartet Night and Female Baby - Babysitting Scenarios!Where stories live. Discover now