Moving to L.A.

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''Mom did we have to move to L.A.?'' Alice said. ''Yes we did you know we had to because I got that job as designer for top models.'' Alice's mom said.''Alice you will love it here its great plus you will make new friends.'' ''No I wont mom I miss my friends!'' I said. ''Sweetie its time for you to go to sleep now,  you need to go to your room so that you'll be ready for school tomorrow.''  ''Fine goodnight.'' I said. ''Goodnight'' My mom said. ( Alice leaves the room into her bedroom )

 ( Next morning ) ( Alice's alarm goes off ) ''New day new school and hopefully new friends'' ( Alice gets ready then goes down-stairs and eats breakfast ) ''Good morning Alice.'' My mom said.''Good morning mom.'' I said back. ''Have a good day at school today, and make new friends, and maybe, possibly you could make something more.'' ''MOM, ew are you kidding me please never say that again especially around my friends.'' I said to her. ( Alice walks out the door and leaves for school )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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