Getting Used To

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<<Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.>>

- Friedrich Nietzsche

And I get used to,
You don't see it bad at all, when you get immersed, you get used to shouts, bad moods, hurting words, blames, sometimes I just wanted to travel into my mind and don't think about the situation I was in.
You get used to him, shouting for any reason. If you did it, if you didn't do that. I was always worried for doing the things he was expecting me to do, but sadly I wasn't able to read his mind, and I always finished making the incorrect decision. So, what was next: Listen half an hour (or the entire hour) of his monologue... Blaming on me, always talking about the irresponsible I was, the stupid I was, the irritating I was...
And I get used to ve treated like this, I wasn't able to see it wasn't no normal.
Violence generate violence, I became that violent, too.
From that time he started talking with swear words, always. And he was complaining all time. Funny thing: once he told me to talk with someone else, if I wanted to complain about my job, but now, he was being like that.
How bad he sounded, always talking with swear words. Was he my prince? I felt uncomfortable.
Now I'm with other kind of people. And I feel strange, I forgot how it feels being treated with patience, kindness...
I don't know if he was that way because he was unhappy with me, maybe he missed what he lost, not because of me, but because of his bad decisions...

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