Agitated Mom

59 5 10

My baby grill

She's too underrated give her lots of love please

Unhappy Refrain is a great song

Too bad Agitation herself has nothing to do with the title or the lyrics oops

She's a cutie okay

People thing she's like tough and mean and shit bc of how she looks but she's the absolutely opposite

Like she's super sweet and cheery and kind of childish actually

She luvs her little bro bad boi but he too emo for her sunshiny-ness oops

She keeps insisting he and Stylish get married so she can be his sister-in-law

Agi agi and Stylish ylish are pretty much besties thank

They're going to terrorize Bad Boy to death with their cute

Someone save him

Anywhore, she's like what 20? Even though you wouldn't guess it in a million years

She's very tall, like about the same height as Blue? Maybe a lil' shorter but she wears heels so like idk. I'd say about 5'8-ish?

Yes that's tall for me I'm 5'6 and the tallest of my female friends stfu

She's usually an oblivious kinda person and doesn't know what a personal space is

She's also relatively bad at reading moods, except for Bad Boy's, who she can read like a book

She had 436458978 jobs and was fired 56784596470 times already because of her lack of ability to respect one's personal space

Also she has a very bad obsession with cute things

Please keep all the ukes away from her

Or there will be a catastrophe

She already is trying to get adoption papers for poor Aitetsu

Anywho 200 words should be enough right? Right.

I'm tired and I need to go to bed


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