2: Tidal Wave

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It truly was a monstrous creature. Looming a good ten feet over him with with a bushy body and sharp, mammoth-like tusks, Bakugo wondered how this creature stayed hidden for so long.

Maybe its body blended in with the trees? Or perhaps it had some way of making itself invisible? But, Bakugo didn't need to worry about that right now. The only thing on his mind was how the hell he was going to defeat this beast.

He would absolutely obliterate it, of that he was sure, but it was just how he would go about doing it that was the problem. The fur that lined it was dangerous, Bakugo deduced, as he had gone in to slash it with his sharp claws. The moment he touched it the once docile, delicate strands became rough and spiked like that of a porcupine. There was no way through it.

That meant there was only one place it could be harmed: its head. There was balding patch right at the top which looked somewhat like an unhatched egg, completely devoid of anything that could harm him. But mutilated porcupine fur, tucks, and whatever strange claws marred his hands stood in his way, not to mention the obvious height difference.

Bakugo was prepared for anything the strange, listless creature threw at that point. All he had to do was find a way to reach his head and he was finished.


Todoroki could not tell what time of day it was. The thick trees of the forest hid from view of any traces of the sun, which was helpful since he was a vampire, but also did him no good. Vampires thrived in the night, which meant he was stronger in the night, so he needed the moon to tell him what type of fight he could get into. If he happened to cross that strange forest dweller again, he wanted to be at his best so he could defend himself and get away quickly.

He couldn't always rely on Bakugo to save him like he did the day before, though that didn't mean he couldn't still hope for some type of alliance with him.

Once Bakugo left him the day before, Todoroki went the same way he went in hopes of finding him again and changing his mind. Bakugo was a sadistic killer who knew what he was doing and how to use his werewolf powers to the best of there ability. That was one of the reasons Todoroki wanted him so badly.

Sure, their relationship got a bit messy as Todoroki's pheromones took over while drinking Bakugo's rich blood but that could easily be bypassed for the greater fight. Todoroki needed Bakugo, and Bakugo needed him if they were to beat down this masterful beast of the forest so that they could live one more day.


"Hello, Bakugo."

Bakugo was hallucinating, he had to be. Why the hell would that idiot vampire follow him? Hadn't he already told him he wanted nothing to do with his shitty alliance? He hated this.

"God, why didn't he ju-" Bakugo coughed."Just kill me?" he rasped out."Would've saved my pride."

"But not you," Todoroki mumbled back, pained at the sight he saw. Bakugo, cut and scratched open like a crew toy with more blood than body. The only thing keeping him alive was his slow healing ability and pure willpower."I'm going to heal you."

"D-Don't." Another cough."Turn me, f-fucking vamp..."

"No need to worry, Bakugo," Todoroki started, putting his fangs up to his wrist and biting down hard with a slight wince."All I need to do is rub my blood on your wounds and they'll heal."

Bakugo just groaned back, enough for Todoroki to start treating him. He first started with his chest, pulling off whatever leftovers of his shirt and jacket still remained, dropping his blood on all the wounds he could find about his stomach and arms. Then he moved to unbuckle his pants.

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