First day😜

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Today I'm finally getting to film a Cinderella story if the shoe fits. I couldn't wait to be on set with my other cast members. I loved being a princess when I was little and now I'm officially a princess. I got up took my shower and did my makeup so I can go to set and start filming.

After I did all of that I got to my car got in and drove to Starbucks. I got me a coffee and headed to set. When I got there I was an hour early so I waited until everybody was here and we started the table read.


After the table read I met every cast member on our team.

But it was a guy name Thomas who was kinda cute

I introduced myself to him

Sofia: Hi my name is Sofia.what's yours?

Thomas: my name is Thomas law. Nice to met you

We shook hands and smiled at each other and went our ways.


I found my trailer and one of the members from our team brought my bags to my trailer for me.

I set in my trailer scrolling through Instagram waiting for the Make up girl the hair dresser and the costume designer to come.

When I was sitting there I heard a knock at My trailer door.

So I call out to see who it was.

Sofia: who's there

Thomas:It's me Thomas

Sofia:Come in (I shouted) Hey what's up

Thomas:Nothing... I came to ask you if you... Wanted to walk with me to set.

Sofia: Sure

Thomas:OK... Well see you soon. (waved bye)

Sofia:(waved bye)

Thomas POV

As I left Sofia's going to my trailer I felt something special in me for her. I enter my my trailer thinking about Sofia. I couldn't believe I'm starting to have feelings for her.

I got dressed for my scene with Sofia and as I walked to Sofia's trailer to get her so we can walk to our scene together. I knocked and enter Sofia's trailer. My heart stopped when I saw her in her white dress.

She looked so beautiful

I blushed so hard my face looked like a tomato but I didn't think she noticed me.

Sofia: Hi what do you think

Thomas: ?

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. So what do yell think Thomas going to say next

Stay tuned for more.😊

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