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** The girl pictured above is what I imagine the main character, Aubrey Herron, to look like :))

Aubrey's POV

I was deep in thought staring at what was left of my bare room. All of my pictures stripped from the walls and my furniture was gone. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my moms voice calling from down the hall.

"Aubrey lets go!! We need to get to the airport and everything is already packed in the truck."

"Okay mom, I'm coming " I replied with a slight smile as I walked down the stairs.

Today was the day I was leaving my old life behind. It is now only me and my mom since my dad walked out on us a few years ago with no intentions of coming back...


"BEN YOU HAVE BEEN TEXTING ANOTHER WOMAN! I KNEW YOU HAVE BEEN CHEATING ON ME." My mom screamed as she threw a vase that then shattered.

"YES I HAVE BECAUSE SHE IS THE REAL WOMAN THAT I LOVE AND SHE'S PREGNANT WITH MY CHILD BECAUSE I AGREED TO START A FAMILY WITH HER." MY dad screamed back. My mom's anger turned to complete sadness and tears began to fall.

"You're really leaving us?" She barely choked out while letting another tear drip down her face

"Yes because I don't need to be held back by an old hag that I call my wife and by my slut of a daughter." He replied emotionless. Then he faced me and blandly stated, "you're just as worthless and hideous as your mother, you should end your misery and kill yourself already".

Tears were streaming down my face and I looked at my mother who looked as if her whole heart had been ripped out of her chest. I could not believe what I was hearing, my dad really thinks that I am worthless and should die. He doesn't love me... no one does.

Trigger warning** cutting

I ran to my room and walked to the bathroom, grabbing my razor blade. "Maybe he is right, I really am an ugly slut and should just kill myself." I thought as a pushed the cold metal into my wrist no longer wanting to feel the pain of being unwanted. Blood dripped down onto my hand and into the sink. I gripped the countertop as I looked into the mirror at the broken girl staring at me with one thing clearly visible in her eyes, hatred. I hated myself.

End of Flashback

That was 4 years ago and the time I tried to kill myself. Now I just have major anxiety and depression, I haven't tried to kill myself since then but I still get panic attacks occasionally. Sometimes they get so bad that I can't breathe and I just have to be held by someone.

I arrived down the stairs and saw my mom waiting for me.

"The ubers here so let's go," She said softly as she put her arm around me and guided me to the car.

I got in the car and pulled out my phone and saw a text from my cousin Zach.

From: Zach

Hey, can't wait to see you, text me when your flight lands. Love you Freckle Face♥️

I smiled to myself and thought of a reply and texted him back.

From: Aubrey

Will do, Love ya too Rosey Cheeks😘

I looked up and realized we had arrived at the airport and got out to help my mom with our luggage. We grabbed our bags and headed to bag check. We checked our bags, besides my backpack and her purse, and walked towards security.

After we made it through security I decided I was thirsty so I walked over to the Starbucks. I ordered a Venti iced passion-tango tea with lemonade. After I received my drink I heard an announcement over the loudspeaker.

"Flight 361 to Dallas, Texas is boarding now at gate 27."

I quickly walked back to gate 27 and met up with my mom to get on the plane. We waited in line until it was our turn. My ticket was scanned right after hers and I took a deep breath before I carried on walking down the tunnel into the plane.

"Have a great flight!" A flight attendant said as I boarded the plane.

I smiled at her and mumbled a small thank you as I made my way to my seat. Luckily, I was seated by the window.

Everyone else boarded the plane and was seated, the captain came on the intercom and said,

" Everyone please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for takeoff, Thank you for flying with American Airlines and enjoy your flight".

I buckled my seatbelt before pulling out my earbuds and plugging them into my phone. I turned on "Todays Hits" on Spotify and leaned my head against the window. I grinned to myself as we took off the runway, excited to start my new life...

All That Matters ~ Daniel SeaveyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora