The treasure

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Long long ago in a village there once lived a farmer he was well of with enough money saved up due to many years of hard work he had wast fields. But he was sad his sons all day long slept and slept or did any work of their own or wasted their time in other fun activities one day the farmer became very ill his sons called the doctor i am afraid you are very ill in fact you may not live long if there is something you want to do you must do now. Said the doctor even tho they did not do any work the lazy sons loved their father and started crying after the doctor left o father what shall we do without you we wont be able to live who will look after us the father was moved to see his sons sad. Don't worry my children i will look after you from the heven and to make sure you never go hungry i have buried a treasure in our field when you find it you shall sell it in the market and it will be enough for the rest of the life saying this the farmer died. For some days the sons were too sad to work but realized that something had to be done for food we have to find fathers treasure the money in the safe wont last long you are right we must saying this they started to dig but they did not get anything one friend of their father said since you have tilted the land why not sow some seeds the boys agreed and sowed. seeds in their. fields and waited it rained well that year.The sons woke up one morning and saw the crops dancing in the wind the eldest son said this is the treasure father wanted us to find if we work hard we will never be hungry the sons agreed and worked hard from that time.                                             
————————-THE END——————
Hey guys this was my first story if you like it please click on the star and don't. Forget to comment

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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