Beauty and the Beast: The Horror Movie

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The movie begins with a narration and animation through stain glass windows (similar to the one shown in the castle where most of the film takes place). An old beggar needed a place to stay and offers a prince a single red rose in exchange for a bed for the night. The Prince refuses and shuns the old woman away. The woman places the rose in his hand, the thorns cause him to bleed, and the rose's red color drips into his open wound (causing the rose to turn white). The Old Beggar is revealed to be an enchantress, who curses the castle and the woods surrounding it to forever be stuck in the night, under the light of a full moon. The color in the rose is actually werewolf blood, which due to the full moon, has cursed the prince to forever be a werewolf. The only way to reverse the spell is to have someone love him, even in his wolf form before the rose is out of petals.

Ten years later, a bookworm named Belle (who is seen being bullied by most of the town's citizens) is seen helping take care of her father's horse. In a conversation with her father, Maurice, it is revealed that he is working late hours as a salesmen because his wife passed away, and he doesn't want Belle to have to work her job overtime. After he leaves on his horse, a man named Gaston comes to Belle's house and proposes. She rejects him, stating that he should try dating one of the many woman who adore him.

Maurice has a hard work day because he has already tried selling to all the nearby towns. He decides to go into full moon woods, where the townspeople warn him never to go because of it's mysterious disappearances. There, he falls off his horse who is spooked by a pack of wolves. He wanders into the dark forest and comes across the Werewolf Prince's castle. He goes inside and warms up by the fire. There, the Werewolf Prince imprisons him for breaking in and entering.

Maurice's horse returns to his home frightened, and Belle knows something must be wrong. She asks Mairice's boss who reveals that Maurice went into the full moon woods. Belle goes after him and enters the castle. There, she hears a voice asking her if she knows the man who was put in the dungeon. It turns out to be a candle stick. At First, she thinks she is breathing in a poisonous gas, but the candle assures her that he can help her find her father. She carries him to the dungeon, where she finds Maurice. The Werewolf Prince sees them there and is convinced by Belle to let Maurice go and keep her prisoner by lying and saying that she told her father to go in the castle. The Werewolf Prince throws out Maurice and gives Belle a bedroom to stay in for her honestly.

The Werewolf Prince invites Belle to dine with him, but she refuses, thinking that he will eat her. He refuses to feed her after her rejection, but the objects that can talk and move freely find her some spare food. Meanwhile Maurice returns to town and ties to convince them that Belle is being held against her will inside the castle of a Werewolf. The town's people laugh at him, thinking he is just a gullible man and ignore his pleas for help. The objects explain to Belle that they are actually ghosts that haunt the castle, but due to the full moon they have the power to possess one object.

Two of the objects (the clock and the candle stick) agree to give her a tour of the castle. They tell her by now the Werewolf is most likely sleeping, and that he will not disturb her. While they are bust arguing, she wanders into the forbidden west wing. There, she finds the white rose. The Werewolf Prince sees her and almost attacks her. Belle flees in fear and he starts to chase her through the woods. The same pack of wolves that scarred off Maurice's pet horse try to attack Belle. She tries to fight back, but can not defeat the entire pack alone. The Werewolf Prince sees her and rather then letting her die, helps defend her. He manages to help her fight off the wolves, but receives multiple injuries. Belle helps him back to the castle where while under heavy painkillers, the Werewolf Prince confesses his name being Adam and that he can not step outside where the full moon glows (he has no memory of confessing these things to her).

Belle starts calling the Werewolf Prince Adam, which the ghosts are surprised about because even THEY could never call him by his first name. He gives her his library and reveals that he is only several years older then Belle. While Adam begins to consider letting Belle's prison sentence (for breaking in and entering) shorter for good behavior, Maurice is being held in the asylum.

While Adam discusses Belle's imprisonment, she assures him that as much as she disagrees with her sentence, she does not hate him because he did not harm her or her father, and the town would have punished her worse. The ghosts become more friendly to her then any of the townsfolk ever were, and Adam was kinder to her then Gaston. She confesses to how deeply she misses her father. He lets her view a black magic hand help mirror, which will help her view any one she wishes. She wishes to see her father, who she sees is in the asylum. Adam is afraid the she may have developed Stockholm syndrome and lets her go after her dad. He walks with her through the woods and the ghosts realize it was their only chance to stop being imprisoned on Earth, because Adam was developing feelings for Belle. As they reach the end of the woods Adam begins to feel a burning feeling and can not go any further towards the village. He gives her the mirror to remember him by, and then runs back to the castle.

She shows the asylum workers the mirror and proves her dad sane by showing them the Werewolf Prince. Gaston realizes that Belle must be in love with him and accuses her of beastiality and her dad of covering up her crimesp. Gaston also convinces the town that the Werewolf Prince is planning on attacking the town that night. They head to his castle to kill him. Belle's father is hung, but manages to her her escape, saying that she let herself be taken prisoner by a werewolf for him, so he will gladly die for her. She sneaks back to the castle. Adam is too depressed to fight back, so the ghost scare off most towns people, and possess others to kill some. Gaston is still after Adam. Belle sneaks up the side window and climbs on the balcony outside of the west wing.

Adam looks over the balcony and hears Gaston enter the room. Using his claws, he climbs up on the roof, but Gaston is experienced in hunting, so he chases up after him. Belle sees Adam and calls out to him. He smiles upon realzing she returned, but then begins to slide off the roof suddenly, leaving a trail of blood. Belle catches him and pulls him on the balcony with her. She realizes he's been stabbed in the heart with a silver stake by Gaston. She takes the stake out and throws it at him, killing him. The camera focuses on the white rose right outside the balcony, it's final petal falling as the audio just picks up Belle confessing her love for Adam. Belle sees Adam shape shift back into a human. The Enchantress returns and explains that if she were to give Belle the werewolf curse, Adam could live. Belle accepts, and Adam awakes to find Belle now a werewolf and the enchantress. He sees the ghosts and says that if she can let him stay a werewolf if she removes the spell that causes them to only go in the castle and the woods. She agrees and then disappears.

The moon is still permanently over the castle (so the ghosts are forever trapped), but Belle knows if she were to return to town, she would be executed. When the next full moon over the town comes, they kill the remaining villagers. Adam had earlier bought all the silver, and no one knew it was him because they had not seen his human stage. The film ends with the two of them kissing in the castle near a pile of bones they chew in; the villagers bones.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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