A/N Hiatus, but in the meantime. . .

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I know everyone hates these — I hate them too — but sometimes they're very much needed.

So. . . I've been having writers block with this story. . . Like. . . I know how to end it, but I don't know what to put in between (actually I have no clue how to end this story either. . .) . . .does that make any sense?- any who!

I don't actually know if I'll be continuing this story but for now — it won't disappear. I don't know when I will post the next chapter though- I don't know if there will be another chapter, and I might actually type up the chapters, and THEN post them all (maybe twice a week or something- idk), but like I said before: I don't know.

While this story is one hiatus, I will be posting chapters to TWO OTHER stories I've been writing - one of them is not 'Bubble Tea' — called CRIMSON and Are You Game?. Crimson is a NCT story that contains ALL EIGHTEEN MEMBERS, and before you question how I'll keep up the story- I've actually been writing the chapters and editing them.  There are currently 20-ish chapters to this story and 7 or 8 are currently pupblished so. . .  Hopefully that will quench your thirst while this story is out of commission. 

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CRIMSON is about a girl named Meiji Yuu who was requested by the CEOs of SM Ent. to protect NCT because their lives are in danger. . . Because of who?  They don't know, and neither does Meiji. . .or does she?  ;)

CRIMSON combines the fighting concepts and a TINY bit of the setting (literally the first chapter only, one school name, and two of the class names) of Soul Eater and Certain Scientific Railgun.  There are also a few anime fighting mechanisms that are present, but it's literally only two things. . . That's it (I'll let you guess what anime the two things come from: hint, there's two anime and one of them has the voice actor Todd Habercorn)

CRIMSON is book ONE of the Guardian Series, so that means there's more books coming your way with this series.

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Are You Game?

This story is about the '97 line of Kpop (Jungkook, Yugyeom, BamBam, Mingyu, The8, DK, Jaehyun, and Eunwoo), and how they get trapped in a video game.  Which game?  The Last Of Us.  And it turns out they weren't the first people to be sucked into the game either.

Notice: You do not need to no ANYTHING about the last of us in order to understand it's story because the '97 also doesn't understand anything about the game, and everything about the game will be explained as the story progresses.

Now are the boys in danger?. . .  That is a question waiting to be answered!

There are currently 2 chapters out (The prologue and chapter 1), so feel free to check it out if you wish! 

This story is also going to be a book series, so comment down here or over at Are You Game? to suggest any idols you want to see and/ or what video game you want them trapped in.
(NOTE: please do NOT suggest Kingdom Hearts. . . Thank You :).  And if you're suggesting a game with a storyline like Detroit: Become Human, Mad Father, Okami - basically games with linear af gameplay - suggest a walkthrough playlist if you can because that will greatly help me in writing the story.  As for open world stuff or games that give you quite a bit of freedom: Minecraft, SuperSmash, Fortnite etc.- you can just tell me the game! :))

I really hope you guys check the stories out while I try to work out the situation with this story!

Until next time (hopefully)-


- AriaNerd <3

Side note: if anyone wants to suggest what to do with this story- comment it and I'll take your ideas into thought!  :)

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