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Wierzens are the reptilian like species that live in the depths of Sabhir's oceans and help the colony to get around.


- can only hold breath for three hours or less

- can fly on land, but they need a high platform to help with initial liftoff

- are not amphibious, but they do spend a lot of time underwater hunting

- they are highly loyal creatures that make bonds based off of smell (if they like your smell they will instantly become over protective and follow commands)

- they have curved teeth for gripping prey and ripping flesh

- sensory tendrils are used for hunting, but when flying in air, they tuck close to the scales so they create little to no friction with the air

- they have three sets of eyes that are covered in waterproof eyelids

- their crests fold down when calm and extend when surprised or angry

- their markings illuminate to lure in prey and signal to their hunting packs

- their call is deep and guttural like that of a lion

- they have large back feet that aid in clinging to tree branches

- riders sit right behind the base of their skull and use the tendrils to guide and hold onto the wierzen

- they tend to be darker in color with white markings

- their colors can be black, gray, dark red/maroon, burnt orange, brown, dark green, dark blue, or dark purple

- they lay eggs in underwater caves to keep other wierzen's from stealing their nests

- young babies can stay underwater longer than adults can

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