Q & A

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Here are some questions I've been asked about Star Killer! If you have a question, message me or comment below and I'll answer it right away!


Q: Why didn't Mekhi's parents join him on the ship?

A: Mekhi's family was rather poor and couldn't afford rich fancy items, so the ship they owned was purely for transporting material items. This ship would've been used by Mekhi's father, Riviere, in his job at a factory/mining company to help him carry large loads of cargo around. It is mainly programed by autopilot that is set up and managed on the outside of the ship, so no time has to be wasted by going inside of it and messing around with the inside controls. The inside controls are meant to be more advanced, so when the ship needs to go somewhere complicated, those controls would be used. Due to them being more advanced, they take more time to set up and direct. When the solar flare was coming on pretty fast, Riviere knew they wouldn't have time to all pile up in the ship and set up the controls, so he reverted to using the outside ones that he could easily start up in seconds. By doing this, he could save his only child.

Q: How did young Adler find Mekhi's crashed ship?

A: All of the escaping ships were programmed to land at one designated area (the old research facility because it already had a stable air bubble up). When Mekhi's ship landed, all of the other ones were already unpacking and figuring out living conditions, so while Adler's family unpacked their stuff, he wandered around and explored their new home. Due to everyone else being busy and tending to themselves, they didn't notice Mekhi's lone ship. While walking around Adler stumbles upon it, thinking its abandoned because no one is around it and unpacking stuff, and decides to go inside and look around (he is a very mischievous and curious boy due to his young age). Inside he finds Mekhi passed out on one of the chairs and decides to take him home because no one is with him. Knowing his parents strictness and the fact that everyone is already rationing up food, he hides Mekhi in his room's small closet. Everyday he sneaks Mekhi food and reads him stories to keep him entertained. Noticing Adler's constant time in his room, his parents investigate and soon find the hidden boy. When the school/boarding facility is finally set up, they send Mekhi to live there instead.

Q: Is Mekhi gay for Ajax?

A: For one. You don't know how many people have asked me this? For two... no. In the story Mekhi does have a potential love interest, but it is not Ajax. Do I secretly ship it though?? Maybe. Do I slip in as many innuendos and soft scenes as I can?? Possibly. Do I also ship Mekhi with either Ajax or Adler??? You'll never know.

Q: How is the ocean cold enough for them to live in when the planet has a hot core and there is so much heat at the surface of the planet?

A: Well the ocean isn't completely cold. The average temperature surrounding the colony is about 60-70 degrees. The heat at the surface only really affects the top layers of the water, so the intensity would be the worst around the first mile below sea level. This raises another question though. How are they not freezing to death? When dealing with Earth's ocean, the water gets extremely cold the further down you go, unless you are near a hydrothermic vent. When dealing with Sabhir, the coldest temperature of the water is around 34 degrees Fahrenheit, which is very similar to the average temperature of the Mariana Trench. This temperature, mixed with the lack of sunlight, would be enough to easily kill the colony because when they first arrived, they obviously didn't have any form of heat set up. Then of course, you have to remember something. The colony isn't at the deepest part of the ocean. They are around 3-4 miles below the surface. While this is quite deep, the average temperature for the area is 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit. This high temperature is the reason they chose that certain Marine Base to live around. That and because the base is near a steep wall of rock that leads to the surface if they were to follow it upwards. The closeness allowed the people escaping the colony to get to the base without running out of fuel.

Q: How have they had enough food to last 17 years?

A: The base they originally built around is rather large (remember that it can hold up to 100 people if need be) because it was the main science center for the Marine Scientists of the planet and it was at the perfect depth to study the ocean life. This science center had to be self supporting so the scientists could survive down there for months at a time and not need to come back to the surface every week for food. Inside, there is a large area for farming that has artificial light and allows large amounts of food to be grown. With this being said though, you have to remember that the colony has more than 100 people. The amount of food grown in the science center is no where enough to feed all of the people by itself. And It's been seventeen years since they all moved down there. In that time, many families have had kids. With the high population, they had to resort to hunting for their main source of food. After the sun went red giant though, many of the species died because they couldn't stand the temperature and pressure changes. After seventeen years of hunting, there isn't a lot of food left. This concern is noted in the book and will play a rather large part in the future chapters.

Q: If the science center can only support 100 people, why did Mekhi say there were 381 rooms?

A: The rooms they use as dorms weren't all dorms when they moved there. Many of the rooms were for storage or experimenting back in the day. They had to clear them out so while they built houses, people had somewhere to live.

Q: Why aren't there more people in the colony?

A: The colony does have around 300 people. Take it, for the mass migration of an entire planet, there would be more. But Sabhir wasn't a normal planet for everyday living. Sabhir was an industrial planet used for mining and building machines that could be shipped to the other planets. The families living on the planet had at least one person in the family that worked at one of the industries. Mekhi's father worked for the mining company.

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