slender fingers

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I want to talk about something here

I've noticed I'm very attracted to hands

Thank you calum for showing me how attractive hands can be like OH MY GOD

Thank you calum for showing me how attractive hands can be like OH MY GOD

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and if they're skinny fingers I'm in love.  I'm not sure if it's weird or not but oh well.  Especially when you can see the wrist bone pop out wowowowow

  Especially when you can see the wrist bone pop out wowowowow

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(Couldn't find any good wrist bone pics but it's fine)

(Couldn't find any good wrist bone pics but it's fine)

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Here's just a great pic of cal. I just love everything about it and wanted to share

anyways that's it for today.  gtg look at more pics of handsome hands

EDIT 06/22/20
   This part was made a couple years ago before I unpublished this whole book.  I decided to post this part again bc it's still relevant today lmao

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