Notes and Disclaimers

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Author's note:
Hi there, welcome to my AU (Alternate Universe) of BTS.

This is my first time ever publishing anything I've written, so please be kind to me and bear with my ammature mistakes.

I do not in any shape or form own BTS. All pictures or gifs have been copied from google and I take no credit for them. Any activities occurring in my story have been based off their lives and my own imagination. Any parts of my story (Including character names, places, songs and traits) are fictional and have been created by yours truly. If any names or parts of the plot are similar to other fabrications, it is entirely coincidental.

Notes to readers:
- Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated. Come on people, it's 2018, be original

- I will not be including any SMUT as I do not feel comfortable writing in such detail on such personal events that may or may not occur in my story (If that's what you're here for, go cleanse yourself with holy water)

- If you disagree with how my characters act or speak, please note that these are MY characters that I have created for MY storyline (If your wish for them to act differently, read another book, write your own or add a polite comment on how I could improve)

- My chapters are still undergoing editing, so if any gramatical, punctuational or spelling errors occur, please leave a comment

- Mean comments are unappreciated. If you dislike something or would like to make a suggestion, please be honest but polite in order for your opinions to be taken into consideration

Thank you!!! HAPPY READING!!!

- Denni_Lyn😘

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