Katherine and Jack

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So I'm too lazy to turn this into a full story so this is just gonna be one shots from now on, but if anyone wants to run with the full story go ahead.

"Hi," I say awkwardly. "Um, my name is Cecelia, but most people call me Cece."

"My name is Clara. I don't really think there is a way to shorten that."

"Hey, um, sorry for kissing you during my audition."

"I mean, you asked and I said ok, so there's not really an issue."

"I know, but I should've chosen a different song or something. I-That was my first kiss."

"Okay, one, you would've had to do that song anyway, and two, really?"

"I'm kinda shy, and dating someone is hard enough."


And then we proceed to sit in silence and stare at each other for lack of something to say. She's kinda pretty, with long silver-blond hair and bright green eyes.

Clara clears her throat. "So, Sophie gave me this paper and told me not to look at it until I got in here. I'm gonna look now, because the curiousity is killing me."

"Well, now I'm curious too, unless it's like 'for your eyes only' or something."

"Nah. Here, let's see...um. This is a weird ass question."

"What is it?"

"Question one: Reveal something intimate (you know what I mean you dirty minded croutons shut up) about yourself that the other person doesn't know."

"Dirty minded- never mind. Do you want me to go first, or do you want to go first, or should we just skip it?"

"I mean, I don't think they really want us skipping them, if they're meant to help us get to know each other. I'll go. This isn't really a secret, most people close to me know. I'm gay."

"Really? Okay." She's pretty and gay. Shit what do I do? "Um...I guess not a lot of people know this, like only two of my friends...I'm pan."

"So neither of us are straight? I guess that makes the whole "you're a girl and I'm a girl and we have to pretend to be in love" thing easier." She grins. 

I laugh. "I guess it does." There's something about her that makes me less nervous. "What's the next question?"

"Are you currently dating anyone?"

"This question sheet is oddly personal. I moved from California two weeks ago and living near the person you're dating is difficult enough, and long distance would be near impossible. I also get all of my dating and relationship knowledge from books and movies so..."

"Oh, God, same. I'm not dating anyone either. Next question: ..." (weird sound/scene fade out thing like in the movies I don't really know how to write that in)

(Fade back in thing)

"I guess the reason it was so personal was to help us to get to know each other faster," I say. "Can I see the sheet?"

"Yeah, sure." Clara hands the paper to me, and I skim over the questions.

"Hey, the 'are you dating' one isn't on here."

"How did you remember that? There were like thirty six questions."

"It was the second thing you asked. I always remember the first four things someone asks me, and then I really have to think about it."

"Interesting. (Yo this is about to get real cheesy so skip on ahead if you want) The truth is, I wanted to know if you were dating someone."

"Why?" I'm trying to focus on multiple things at once, the first of which being keeping myself from blushing and the second being that she is blushing.

"Cause you're cute, and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get coffee at some point?"

"Um-I-you're-this-yesthatwouldbenice." (Btw guys idk how getting asked out works this is just how I imagine it going).

"Okay, cool. How about 10 tomorrow?"

"Er, yeah. 

"Awesome." She stands up and offers her hand down to me. I accept it and stand up next to her, and proceed to stay in that position with nothing to do. Suddenly, the door swings open and we drop back to the ground and pretend like a conversation has been interrupted.

"Did you guys finish going through the sheet?" Kara asks. 

"Yep," Clara says. 

"Ready for dress rehearsal?"

"Ready as we'll ever be."

"Great, because you still have to get dressed and put on makeup. Come on." Kara heads out. 

In the back area, I grab my costume and head to my dressing room. I put on the undershirt, pants, and suspenders, and pull my cap down over my hair. They showed us how to put our mics on, so I do that, which takes me a good ten minutes because I don't have the steadiest hands and I keep dropping it. I smear the soot black makeup in patches over my cheeks and forehead and run out. Sophie's standing there with a clipboard and looking very professional.

"Okay, guys. You've practiced every day for two months, and your first show is tomorrow. Today, your audience will be the older cast and the dance captains and some of hair and makeup, but you have to pretend the theater is full, because we're sold out tomorrow and for at least the next week and a half. The rehearsal won't end until six, and then you are to go home and stay at least inside the apartment building. Order out and chill in one person's apartment, if you want, but we don't want anyone staying up past 11, but, believe me, you'll be more exhausted than you can believe after this. Try not to sing too much either. If you're going to have a nervous breakdown over being on Broadway, have it now, because having one right before a show is not going to help. Got that?"

Affirming noises.

"Alright! Go get 'em, girls!"

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