Chapter 3

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Anna's POV

After we finished the pizza me and Cody skipped the rest of our classes and drove around the town. Now its 10pm and we're at a small dinner two towns away from ours.
"So I was wondering it this Saturday you maybe wanted to go out like and actually date" Cody asks.
"This Saturday umm I don't think I have any plans but ill have to check with my dad"

"Here's your food sweeties" the waitress says setting out plates on front of us. Cody says thanks and I take on the wonderful smell of my cheeseburger.

"You are such a wolf." Cody laughs.
"And hows that?"
"You got a cheese burger infused with ham and loaded with bacon."  Oh yea that.
"What can I say I just like meat."
"But don't you ever get tired of it."
"I eat salads sometimes. Why, don't like that your girl can eat a pig in 30 minutes? " Oh I called myself his girl ummm ok well this could get weird.
"No that's actually one of the things I love about you. You can eat anything in front of anyone and don't care what they say." Aww I love this guy so much.
"Well the way I see it if im hungry im gonna eat til im not. Wolves just have large appetites and fast metabolisms." We finish eating and order milkshakes.
"So you gonna try out for basketball again this year or end it?" Damn I was wondering when someone would ask that.
"Well I have a lot going on im looking for colleges and all that stuff."
"Ya know you dont have to lie remember I know your an alphas daughter."
"Oh right yea sorry im kinda used to it. Well im the only child so ill have to take over the pack soon my dad whats to step down as soon as i get my mate witch is you so he might once I graduate. But as far as sports I still don't know. I mean I was gonna stop so I could look for my mate but I found yo-" He cuts me off with his lips on mine. "Oh ok then was I rambling again im sorry"
"Shh I love hearing you ramble its cute but I really wanted to kiss you."
"Well then maybe you should do it again." I tell him blushing looking down.
"Maybe I should but would you like that?" I can literally feel his smirk. I look up at him and lean it pressing my lips to his oh so soft ones.
"Its getting late your dad might get worried if your not home soon."
"But I don't wanna go can i stay at your house again tonight?"
"You sure your dad will let you?"
"I've stay the night at your house before haven't I?"
"Yes bu-"
"Don't worry about the mate thing we wont do anything."
"That's the problem I want to do things I've wanted to since I meet you the mate bond will make us and I want things to happen because we want them to not cause this thing makes us. Anna I love you."
"I love you too Cody."
"Will you please do me the honor and be my girlfriend?"
"Oh my moon goddess yes of course!"
"Ok well it's going on midnight you need to get home come on." We get up and pay for the food well he does he doesn't let me. We drive back to town and he brings me to my house.
"Goodnight babygirl I love you."
"It would be better with you I love you too I'll see you tomorrow."
"Till then my love" he says kissing my head.
I get out of his truck and go inside.
"Where have you been." My dad ask me from the darkness.
"Sorry I was out with Cody I thought I texted you."
"I left my phone at the pack house so did anything interesting happen today?" He ask hinting at a mate.
"Well Cody got me this." I tell him showing him my necklace.
"It's nice so what did you and him do all night."
"He took me driving around for my birthday. Also I may have found my mate." I say in a matter of fact way.
"Really do you know him? Why were you with Cody if you found you mate? Who is he?"
"Chill it is Cody."
"Oh sweetie I'm so glad you found him and haven't you liked this kid for some time now." He says hugging me.
"Yes I have for years. But dad there's something you need to know about him." I tell him getting worried.
"Well he's human isn't he it's ok I'm sure he'll understand our kind."
"No it's not that I thought he was human but he's not he is well a vampire." As I finish my sentence anger flashes in his eyes.
"What there is a vampire on our land. And he's been here for years how did we not know?!" He starts to yell.
"Daddy calm down he doesn't want trouble and you can't hurt him hes my mate. The moon goddess hand pick him for me."
"No he's playing with you he isn't your real mate you are an alpha you mate is a wolf!" He yells at me.
"No he's not my mate is a vampire and I love him!" I yell back with tears running down my face. "You met him you shook his hand you know he isn't bad."
"He is a vampire they kill wolves."
"We started it all!"
"What did you say?" He ask me calm. Now for explaining.
"I've been trying to figure out why wolves and vampires have been fighting. There's a book about it in the pack library.
A long time ago we were friends. Our ancestor Alan the one that the moon goddess made alpha King was best friends with the vampire ruler Colby. Dad that's Cody's great grand father. Our pack killed his family all but one a baby.  That's why the war started I don't know why me and Cody are mates but he won't hurt us he ran away form his kingdom so he wouldn't have to hurt anyone."
"I'm sorry sweetie but the pack will never accept him you will have to reject him and find someone else."
"No I will not the moon goddess chose him for me I won't go against her plans."
"The pack won't let you become alpha."
"Then I won't be" I tell him walking to my room.
"You don't mean that get back here"
"If the pack won't accept my mate then I won't be in the pack."  I go to my room and pack a bag. I get my clothes. Phone charger. And toiletries. As im walking out I grab a picture of me, my mom, and my dad. It's the last picture we took together. I go back downstairs and tell my dad I'm leaving. He tries to stop me but I don't listen. I go to the garage but remember I left my Jeep at school. Damnit. I go to call Cody but stop if my dad thinks he's a threat then the border patrol knows he s face. I call Destinee and ask her to pick me up at the McDonald's up the road. She says she's on her way and we hang up. As I walk down the street my mind is spinning. My mate in a vampire ok well there has to be a reason. Cody says Destinee knows something. I'll ask her about that later. My pack won't accept him as alpha. My father wants me to reject him and find someone else. That's funny he always taught me the importance of mates. He told me to find him young and spend as much time as I could. Now he says leave him for the good of the pack. I hate to abandon them without a leader but I will not lose the guy that was chosen for me. This is all giving me a headache. I get to McDonald's and see Destinee waiting for me.
"Hey sweetie what happened?"
"Long story can I stay at your place tonight I'll explain tomorrow"
"Sure hon let's go"
We drive to her house and go to her room I put my phone on charger and go to bed. This has been the wildest birthday ever.

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