Nothing was Fair.

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   Pink Diamond never asked to get assigned this major role. She never enjoyed it. Things never went her way, and nothing worked out. It was almost too much for her to handle. She felt that Blue and Yellow never, truly cared. They just seemed to scold her, and when she made mistakes, they scolded her even more. It truly got on her nerves, and it irritated her immensely.

   Occasionally, she'd hear Yellow and Blue bickering about what they should do for Homeworld, or which planet they should take over next. If she asked for her own colony, they'd deny her request, which only made her angrier.

   Pink was nowhere near as perfect as Yellow or Blue. She was smaller, and, just because she was smaller, and maybe even slightly less powerful than Yellow and Blue, they always thought differently of her. Even though Blue acted "nicer", maybe, she was still treated like an infant, and there was nothing she hated more than being treated like she was nothing.

   She wished she was as bigger and powerful as the others. White was almost never around, as she was extremely busy with keeping Homeworld as a whole running. Pink sometimes wished that she could flee, and live on another planet, but it was impossible.

   She never really knew much about the other planets. There were many of them, but she only heard about the ones that the Diamonds were planning to colonize. Every time they planted a new kindergarden in a new planet, they would leave behind a completely useless, dried up one.

   The Diamonds refused to give Pink what she longed for. She longed for a colony, and she longed for a Pearl. She remembered when Yellow and Blue had denied her request for one. She would look at the other Pearls, feeling intense envy, and then she'd coldly walk away, not saying another word.

   Even though Pink wasn't technically a child, she acted like one. When she was younger, her maturity level was extremely low, even though when she was made, she knew her purpose, and she knew what she was supposed to do.

   Pink wasn't ready for a colony, and she knew deep inside that she wasn't. But, a Diamond without a colony? That would be ridiculous. 

   Pink sometimes wondered how the others were when they were younger. She was sure they acted just as immature as her, if not just a little less slightly. She knew that even though gems didn't really get to grow up, they at least did socially.

   At least, that's what Blue told her. Sometimes, she often had bonding time with each of the Diamonds, and even though she was close with the all of them, she felt she was closer to Blue. Even though Blue's attitude wasn't always the most satisfactory and nurturing like a mother's, she had a gentleness to her. It was something about her, that made Pink feel secure when around her.

   Yellow, on the other hand, was not so gentle. She was extremely strict, and her attitude had no happiness in it. She was occasionally happy, but it was almost never. She just had some type of angry energy to her, always, and Pink never understood it.

   White was very busy. She was so busy, that Pink never got to see her. Pink saw her on occasion, but it wasn't very often she got to see White. White scared her. She was the biggest out of the group, and because of that, she gave off a fearing tone.

   Even if Pink was told "no", that would not stop her from asking again. She was very stubborn, and the Diamonds knew this. Except, her being stubborn, she would not admittedly tell them about her stubbornness. 

   Pink had asked for a Pearl numerous times, before she even started asking for a colony. She knew that when she had a Pearl of her own, she would treat her way better than Yellow's or Blue's. Yellow's and Blue's Pearls were just their servants. They would do everything asked. 

   This seemed forced to Pink. She felt that they did not have any freedom. They were always ordered to do something. "A Pearl's purpose is to serve. You're too young, and what would she need to serve you for? You don't have anything important to do, Pink. If you needed her to serve you, it would, admittedly, be for something you can already do yourself," Yellow had told her.

   These situations often left her emotionally distraught. Why couldn't she have her own Pearl? She was so tired of being treated like an infant, and how she was nothing. She wanted to do something, but she couldn't think of anything. As much as she hated this lifestyle, she had to live with it.

   She had nobody to help her. She couldn't give orders to the gems that weren't on her court. Blue and Yellow trusted her so little, she couldn't get her own court until much later. 

   Once, during one of these situations, she lashed out, having enough of anything and everything. She kicked and screamed.

   "Why can't I have a Pearl? I'm responsible enough for one. I can handle the task!" she screamed angrily, tears spilling out of her eyes.

   Yellow rolled her eyes. "You're so dramatic, Pink. Stop acting so juvenile. You're a Diamond! Diamonds don't scream and kick. We'll give you a Pearl when you're ready."

   "Yeah, right! You always say that!" Pink barked. "I'm so tired of being treated like I'm nothing!"

   Yellow became angry herself. "If you think you're so ready for a Pearl, then why don't you act like it? You're juvenile, Pink. You need to act like a Diamond. That's your purpose. That's why you were made!"

   Pink screamed, and walked away, stomping unnecessarily. This had hurt her, even though Yellow was just stating the truth. She had no idea what to say in response, so she just cried. Her eyes stung as hot, salty tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt like such a baby. "Nothing's fair," she whispered to herself.

   Indeed, it really wasn't. They expected more of her. But, she had acted out so much, she knew she most likely disappointed them, and knowing that you've disappointed the authorities in your life can hurt a lot.

   Pink despised this life that she was living. She never asked to be a Diamond. She had to act like a leader, even though she felt she still had so much to learn. The others would probably agree, as she asked for too much too early.

   While Pink was sulking, she knew she had to get it together. She knew that's what Yellow would order her to do, at least, in that sharp, menacing tone. Yellow really was menacing when she was angry. She wasn't very pleasant to be around. She could get extremely loud, and dramatic.

   When Yellow was angry, she had a tendency of using nicknames. Pink had been called many things before. Yellow often called her a brat, but Pink didn't really think the nickname suited herself very well. Once, when they were in an awful, awful fight, she'd been called a "runt". And, because she knew she was smaller, it hurt her.

   Pink was sensitive. But, she wasn't the only one who was. If you asked her, she would say Blue was sensitive, too. She was, but Blue had a lot to do with emotion. She also had the ability to manipulate a gem's emotional state. If her and Yellow's bickering went too far, then the expected blue hues would shoot out as Pink felt tears rolling down her own cheeks.

   As mentioned before, Pink had the maturity of a child. She never understood the big scary fights that went between the sister-like Diamonds, and they were terrible when she had to endure them. She could never do anything.

   She often wished she had the same amount of power as White. If White was there, she'd be able to easily break up the fight. It was so disappointing that she couldn't do it herself. This discouraged her greatly. It almost felt like she couldn't do anything herself.

   Nothing was Fair.


A/N: Normally there'd be much more words, but I didn't want to dry out this one and make it too lengthy. The next chapter will have more words for sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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