Chapter Six

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Warm sunlight poured out of the giant windows over the dining tables and onto the tile. I smiled at all the people laughing and talking to eachother with happiness. The display cases were full of pastries. There was a bell sound at the door which I quickly distinguished to be the door opening. I looked over to the door and saw a handsome young man walking in. He walked up to the counter and smiled brightly. 

" Hello!" I grinned.

" Hi." He shyly mumbled. He looked up with bright eyes.

" Did you need something?" I asked.

" I was looking for some cupcakes. A set, actually. With a name on them?"

"Sure! Just pick out a certain cupcake design and tell me what name you would like on them." I replied.

" Okay um." He pointed to a purple design with white rimming the cupcake. "That one, and could I please have the name 'Amy' on them? Three rows of the cupcakes, too please. One row for each month we've been together." he smiled sheepishly.

"Aw!" I cooed. "That is so romantic!" I gushed.

He looked down blushing.

"Yeah I really love her.."

" That's so sweet! You know, I have a best friend named Amy, she went to college for architecture." He raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Because my girlfriend went to college for architecture too. That's how we met. At college." I handed him the box of cupcakes slowly opening my mouth.


" Surprise!" yelled a shrill voice coming from behind me. All my customers stopped eating and looked over at us. I spun around and came face to face with a girl with blonde hair and green eyes. I widened my eyes.

"Amy!" I yelled. 

"Alison!" She screeched. She jumped and hugged me.

" What the hell are you doing in New York?" I asked. The customers went back to chatting and eating their pastries.

" Hon! I came from college! I needed to find a job and I said to myself, ' Hey, why not New York?' so here I am! I missed you so much!" She squeezed me. Joseph walked out of the back with a batch of freshly baked chocolate cookies. He put them in the display case. Amy had released me so he came up behind me and hugged me. 

" Whoa whoa whoa." Amy stuttered. " You got a hunk-a-hunk?" She winked. "Pretty good piece of meat if you ask me. But I got this stud." She clung to her boyfriend. " By the way, this is Knox." She gestured to her boyfriend. Knox just nodded and smiled.

" Oh my gosh you guys, you have to come to my- I mean our, " I gestured to Joseph. " apartment when we close shop." I smiled largely.

"Squee! That will be so fun!" Amy gushed. I missed my old friend, now she was back to stay, at least for now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2012 ⏰

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