Chapter 1

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        "Elysia!" Cecil yelled, cupping a hand over his mouth a bit. In his other hand, he held something. He stood in the center of the Garden of Cyrenia. Around the garden were columns of great marble, with vines encasing it and flowers were sprinkled along the fields aplenty. In the middle of it, was a fountain. A simple, but beautiful fountain, with sparkling water spewing from it. Surrounding the garden, was the palace. We called the palace, The Cyrenia Palace. This palace looked a lot like those amazing Greek structures. In fact, the whole empire of Corinth was based upon Greek architecture. 

I stood up from my place next to the fountain and turned my head to Cecil. Putting my book of zodiacs and suitcase down I looked at Cecil. Cecil had large blue eyes and dark black hair. His nose was a bit long, but still fine. He was Italian, therefore he looked like it. His hair kind brushed upon his eyes, but his hair was still considered short. But, it looked a bit wispy. Not wispy in a thin way, but in a sorta messy-choppy way. On his cheek, he had a distinctive scar that was deep enough to see. Though, you had to squint to see it. He wore his soldier's uniform. He was actually assigned to be part of the staff who help with the stables that house the horses. But, he says that he wants to train to be a soldier, so now he has two jobs.

"Are you still dreaming about becoming the general someday?" I asked sarcastically folding my hands and twirling my finger around my black hair. His dream is kinda hopeless in my opinion, to be honest.

He averted his eyes, embarrassed. His face reddened a bit. A sign of embarrassment. "Yeah. But I know I could do it someday!"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, right. Does that mean you want to go into war?" I asked teasingly.

His eyes furrowed. "No. That war is destroying Cyrenia right now!" Cecil shook his head at the thought of it, making his hair move from side to side. "But the emperor, your father, says that I'm one of the best men he's got. So, because of that, I think I could become a general someday." He smiled at the thought of it. He's such a dreamer. "Now that I think of it, you guys are crazy to be traveling!" he eyed my suitcase that I was holding.

He was right. We were crazy to be traveling when Cyrenia, the capital of the empire of Corinth, was at war with other states.

I snapped my fingers. Eyes shifting, I look back at my zodiacs book. I was reading about Aquarius, my sign, and I wanted to read more. "I should get back to reading."

Cecil snapped out of his smiling and says. "You always read." That is actually kinda true. Though, I don't classify myself as a nerd. Maybe a bit of a geek, but not a nerd.

Behind Cecil, crept two figures. It was the twins. Friends of us. One was named Travis and the other George. They were brothers. Travis was a bit older than George by a month, although you can't even tell. The only difference was that Travis had very slight dimples. They both have curly brown hair, pointy noses, a mischevious smile playing on their mouth, and tall lanky bodies. They weren't extremely lanky, I guess. Just a bit, enough for you to realize that.

Travis, the one with the dimples, smiled and clamped his hands on Cecil's shoulder.

As Cecil jumped, George screamed, "Good day, Cecil!" Travis laughed out loud and clapped a hand on Cecil's back.

I snickered, "You guys made him scream higher than my little sister!" Ha, Cecil. Cecil was an introvert. That means usually he's quiet and only speaks and smiles when it is necessary. But, being an introvert doesn't mean he didn't talk, because he did and in fact he opens up to close friends.

Cecil rolled his eyes. "Okay, okay!" he put his hands up, "You had your laugh." He then decided to change the topic, "Anyway, where'd Lynda go?" Travis and George had a sister. A younger sister to be exact, she was a year younger than both of them. She looked liked both of them and had dimples like Travis. They were a bit more defined though, more than Travis's. She had slightly wavy hair too, unlike Travis and George. Travis and George had messy curly hair.

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