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After a tiring, but also fun practice, the entire team heads into the locker room. I walk behind everyone else to avoid getting in their way.

"Don't forget ladies, practice next week 8 to 4!", our captain Marisa shouts.

"Yes ma'am!", the team responds in unison. I open my locker to retrieve my phone and notice I have two messages. One from my mom and one from...Chris. I decide to just read my moms to see if she is here.

"Sorry sweetie I'm stuck at work, can you see if one of the girls can take you home?"

The only thing harder than talking to people, is asking people for favors. I sigh and sit down on the bench.

"Hey are you ok?", the same girl from this morning asks. Looking at her more closely, I become aware that she has beautiful brown eyes.

"Umm..I.. Well my mom can't pick me up and I don't have a ride home," I respond. I hate myself for not being able to remember names.

"I can give you a ride," she answers while putting the combination lock back on her locker.

"Ohh..really.. Thanks," I attempt to say with a smile, but I'm pretty sure I look stupid.

"No problem, where do you live?", she asks. I tell her my address and she tells me it's not far from where she lives. We walk out to the parking lot until we reach a red convertible.

"This is your car," I squeak. She nods and unlocks the doors. I open the door and get in. The best thing about being shy is that you're observant. While she starts the car I spot her student I.d.laying on the dash. Her name is Ashley! Looking at her now you can tell her name is Ashley. The brown eyes, shoulder length black hair, and brown skin. She's one of those people that look like their name. I catch my self looking around her car and trying to determine what type of person she is. I notice there is no trash besides a few empty water bottles. I also spot a Miley Cyrus and One Direction album.

"Hannah is a bitch I swear, I mean how could she do that to me," I hear her say with a tone that's upset, but also caring. I must have been daydreaming again, because I have no clue what she is talking about. "What do you think Madi?" Madi? No one has ever given a nickname to me before. Not knowing what to say due to my lack of listening I shrug my shoulders. "Sorry I don't mean to worry you with my troubles, I tend to ramble."

"No it's fine. I just.. I don't know," I stutter.

"It's okay to be shy," she says and puts a hand on my shoulder. How did we go from talking about some girl named Hannah to having a heart to heart conversation? How did I even engage in a conversation?

"I'm sorry," I respond.

"No need, I just want you to know that I'm here for you," she says with a smile while stopping at a red light. Ashley moves her hand to place it on top of mine which is resting on top of my thigh. I look into her eyes and tell her "Thank you." She moves her hand as soon as the light turns green, and a few minutes later I am home. I thank her for the ride and head inside.

Immediately after closing the door I head to the bathroom to run some bath water. After an eight hour practice my body aches. I pour some Epson salt into the water and go get my phone. I then remember I never read the text from Chris. As much as I know I shouldn't I read it anyways.

Chris: "You're a fucking whore!!!"

I sigh and grab my earphones. After undressing I sit in the water, close my eyes, and blast "Don't Call My Name" by my favorite artist Jenni into my ears. However, not even my favorite song can prevent the tears from falling down my face.

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