Come Over.

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You called the waitress over (a different one this time), and asked her to pass the napkin to the mysterious man sitting a couple of tables across. The girl did what you asked. You held your breath, hoping he wouldn't take you for a creep.

Bad idea. I so shouldn't have done this. Why am I so impulsive?!

You study him with bated breath as he read the piece of paper in his hands, and looks up right at you. Your heart skips a beat. Did that girl tell him? I didn't ask her to!
Namjoon raises his hand and waves at you. Am I dreaming or did THE Kim Namjoon wave at me? You think, closing you eyes, thinking that you must've mistaken his simple gesture for something else. You open your eyes again, to see Namjoon head down, writing something on his notebook.
Of course I imagined it. Why would he want anything to do with me?
You go back to scrolling through your phone. But then look up as the same grouchy waitress walk over to you with a piece of paper in her hand.
It has just two words.

Come over.
          - KN.

This is what I like to call 'sitting-three-tables-away-but-still-have-to-them-readers-something' kinda fluff.
Hope yall liked it.
L8r, lovelies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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