Is This Really What I Want?

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Chapter 1: Who is He?


It was hot and dark. That is all that I could remember of what happened before I was cut away from the warmth of my cocoon.

Did I do it? Was the plan successful? How many people were lost?

Those are the thoughts that went through my head as I started to come back into consciousness. We had came up with a plan to plug up the hole that was created in the south side of wall rose. Which housed the city of Trost, which was taken over by the titans when the wall was busted. The plan was for me to use my titan shifting abilities to carry a boulder to the hole and plug it so that no more titans would be able to enter and we could reclaim the area.

The visions of the whole mission started to come back to me

After a while, my vision was starting to work again, though it was blurry, I was able to make out the figures that were standing around me. Barely being able to see, I could make out that I was being held in Armins arms by the color of his yellow blonde hair. His mouth moved but I couldn’t hear a thing so I just looked around lazily trying to process all that was going on around me.

“Armin…” I mumble hoarsely hoping to get his attention.

He didn’t seem to hear me. So I tried again with the same results. No answer. I decided to give up as I was exhausted and it took all of my energy just to keep my eyes open.

As my eyes continued to attempt getting into focus, I was watching my surroundings when I saw a big figure and tried to process what exactly it was. Titans! I had to protect my friends. Attempting to move again but yet again it failed as my body was rendered pretty much useless in its lifeless state.

Armin do something! Get up and fight the titans! I will be fine just save yourself!

I thought to myself thinking that he had the ability to hear my thoughts. God am i stupid? Humans can’t read minds. I mentally kicked myself for being that stupid since it wasn’t physically possible at the moment to do so. I continued to look up at Armin as he continued to sit there in fear of the giant beasts that were heading our way. He started to move and frantically tried to separate me from the titan flesh I was attached to. Dammit! why won’t he worry about the titans instead of trying to run away from them. If only I was able to speak right now.

My daze of wondering about Armin was broken when when my vision cleared and I saw a giant hand reaching out to grab us when out of nowhere a figure came slicing the arm and swinging around to its neck and downing it instantly a big cloud of steam shout out afterwards.

One after another the titans fell to the ground bursting into steam. the figure had killed them all almost effortlessly. Now my vision gone once again.

As the thick clouds of hot steam from the beasts started vanish, we were clearly able to see the figure falling and landing atop the fallen titan bodies, back facing towards us and blades drawn. Mikasa? I looked at the figure again to notice that there was something different about it. That wasn’t Mikasa. From what I could tell the figure was male and he wore a forest green cloak, that flowed with the breeze, and bore a big blue and white symbol in the middle of the back.

“The Wings of Freedom!” I gasped looking at the man.

He was from the survey corps! Why were they here? They must have heard about the commotion and came over to help, but why does he look so familiar?

My thoughts were broken when the man started to speak.

“Oi, brats! What’s going on here?”

He asked, his voice deep and rich and sent a feeling throughout my entire body. How the hell can one mans voice do that!? He’s just talking! After he spoke I couldn’t seem to keep my eyes off of him. Something seemed highly familiar and very entrancing about the man, though my thoughts were cut off when I heard his voice again.

“Are you all deaf? I asked you a question, now answer it.”

His voice was stern this time with his command and seemed to be annoyed with our lack of words. Before I knew it he was walking up towards us and grabbed me by the front of my shirt. My lungs practically emptied with the force of his pull.

“Is there something on my face?”

He grumbles with a glare, I could feel the color drain from my face.

“N-No sir!” I quickly reply, my voice still hoarse from before.

“Good. I suggest you quit staring before I rip your eyes out.”

By now I was pretty sure I was a white as a piece of paper. This man sure had a mouth to him thats for sure, but damn he was intimidating. Armin looked to be about as white as I was when he finally decided to speak up.

“S-Sir, could you please put him down. I will explain everything once I know he’”

As if the last breath Armin gave was a command, I was dropped on the ground without a second thought and landed harshly on the ground. Mikasa quickly rushed over to me and lifted me off the ground giving the man the “If-you-put-your-hands-on-him-one-more-time-they-will-be-gone-before-you-can-even-scream.” look and she meant it too.

Once Armin seemed to get the attention of the man he spoke up putting his hands together nervously.

“W-Well, this is the aftermath of the plan we put together with Commander Pixis…. that Eren completed…” he fidgeted hoping his answer was suitable enough for him.

“Ah, so this little brat it the titan shifter. What a honor, I have been looking for you. Now get up. We need to go.”

Him? Looking for me? What the hell kind of joke was this and where am I going?

Not wanting to be scared shitless again, I stood to my feet and I about fell down again. My legs felt like noodles and I about blacked out but I stood. Armin panicing about my choice of actions.

“E-Eren! You are in no condition to stand! You need to sit and rest. I-I’ll carry you if I have to!” He stuttered frantically but I pushed his help aside.

“No, Armin, I’m fine. I can do this on my own.” I attempted to give him an assuring smile which I knew failed when I heard him giggle to himself.

“I am sorry to intrude on this very touching moment, but since your friend here seems to be able to fend for himself we must be off. You two can head back I will take it from here.”

“Yes sir!” they shouted in unison as they saluted and said their goodbyes and walked off.

“Follow behind brat and try to keep up. We don’t need keep them waiting any longer than they already have been.” He commanded starting to walk off

Right when I went to follow him my legs gave out and sent me tumbling to the ground followed by me getting lightheaded. Everything went black and me falling was the last thing I remember.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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