A New Party Member

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Gina went into the classroom, hoping to pass the upcoming test. As she walked into the classroom, the teacher yelled, "Gina! You're late again!"
"I'm sorry! I was doing alot of practicing for the test."
"Well then, if you've been practicing, why don't you show everyone what you can do?" The teacher suggested.
"Alrighty then." Gina answered. She walked up to the front of the class, and began preparing a thunder spell. Lighting started building up in her hands. Then she was ready to cast the spell. She released the bolt of lightning from her hands, into the room. It started shooting across the room. "Very impressive Gina." The teacher said.
But then the bolt hit a mirror, reflected off of it, and hit a student.
"Oops. Sorry." Gina told the class.
"Gina! You need to aim! You can't be firing of spells all willy-nilly!" The teacher yelled.
"I promise to do better next time." Gina replied.
"No don't promise anything, because there won't be a next time! I will have to permanently remove you as a student from the School of Mages!!"
"What!? Why?!" Gina nervously shouted.
"You cause too much trouble and chaos around here, and frankly, I just deem you unteachable." Teacher responded.
Gina then stormed out of the classroom, slamming the door behind her.
She began walking down the halls, sulking, until she overheard two people talking.
"They say there's a rare amulet, that amplifies magic power. It's hidden away in one of the three kingdoms somewhere." One guy said to the other.
"Oh wow, what's it called?" The other guy asked.
"The Amulet of Sojor." He replied.
"That's it! If I can get the Amulet, I can become an awesome Black Mage! Yes! I need to find Lenna and her boyfriend or whoever that was!" Gina excitedly said to herself.
Lenna was back with Rigel, who was just finishing up practicing his newly acquired spell blade abilities.
"Alright! I've got the hang of this now!" Rigel happily said.
"Great job Rigel! Now you can be even stronger! It'll really help us on our quest." Lenna told him.
"Of course. Not only will it help to aid us on our quest, but it'll let me do a better job of protecting you." Rigel said, just as Gina ran into the room.
"Guys! Where will you be headed after you leave here?" Gina asked.
"I dunno. Wherever we need to go to find the Amulet of Sojor I guess. Why do you ask?" Rigel responded.
"Yes! Just as I suspected. They are after it too." Gina scoffed to herself.
"Oh no reason, I just want to join you on your adventure is all! You see, I was kicked out of class here, so I'll have alot of spare time now." Gina replied to him.
"Ok then, you're welcome to join us. The more the merrier I always say!" Rigel said.
With that, they all began to leave the Mages School.
Back at the Capital City, something was going on in the palace.
"Courier! Over here now!" King Boric ordered.
"Y-yes,y-your m-m-majesty?" The Courier answered.
"Send a letter to Rigel Quasar saying, 'I want to make things more fun for you. So I've decided to give an incentive to help you be more quicker and efficient. If you don't get back here with the Amulet, before the end of this year, both your's and Lenna's parents will be killed! Ha ha ha! Fun isn't it? Have a nice Quest!' did you get all that, I want that all to be in the letter." Boric told him.
"Yes sir! I'll deliver it right away!" The courier replied as he ran out of the castle.
"Mwahaha, my plans are just beginning to sprout." Boric told himself sadistically.
Just then Rigel's brother, the knight Kaito, came into the throne room, along with the court mage who brought him in.
"Sir, it seems that this Royal Knight, was defeated in battle. It appears, he hesitated to kill his target." The court mage told the King.
"He hesitated? Bah! We can't have that. Use some more mind manipulation magic on him. This time go for a full mind take over. Don't hesitate to make him completely under our control." Boric demanded.
"Right away." The court mage said, and then left, taking Kaito back into his quarters with him.
"What more efficient way to have a Royal Guard, then mind control? This way they will do whatever we want, no matter what the task! Soon, once Rigel has the Amulet, he will die by his own brother! What a fool! Aha ha ha ha!"

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