| Ch. 2 |

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Kurt Wagner
Time: September 1, 3:00 A.M.
Location: Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

Kurt Wagner was definitely not expecting to be woken up at 3 A.M. with alarms blaring in his ears. Therefore, he was still in his pajamas when he teleported outside. Usually, this would be embarrassing to the young blue mutant, but people were too busy running towards the gaping crater in the middle of the school grounds to really notice.

The gaping crater in the middle of the school grounds.

"Gott verdammt!" Kurt cursed in his native tongue. He teleported to the front of the group where Professor Xavier and Peter were trying to keep the curious students back.
"Professor!" Kurt 'ported next to the professor. "What is it?" He looked down in the crater, trying to look through the black smoke.

"I'm not sure, Kurt. Help keep these students back will you?" Kurt nodded and helped push the crowd of curious children backwards.

After the smoke cleared and most of the students were back in their dorms, only Kurt, Pietro, and Professor X remained to look as to what had made the crater. Most of the other X-men were out on a classified mission.

Kurt looked down into the crater, and gasped in shock. "Professor, there's a man down there!" Charles looked up from his conversation with Peter, and rolled over to the side of the crater. He nodded in confirmation.
"Indeed there is Kurt. Would you mind teleporting him up here?" Kurt nodded, quickly teleporting down and then back up. He gently laid the man down on the grass.

"Professor he's..." Kurt started.

"Blue, yes. Pietro, go call Dr. McCoy, surely this man will need medical attention, he fell out of the sky!"
Pietro nodded and ran away.

"Kurt if you would, could you carry him- teleport him- to the medical bay? I'd like to keep this on the down-low for awhile."
Kurt nodded, but before he left added, "But what will you explain to the students when they are curious in the morning?"

Charles replied, "Oh, the truth, but nobody shall know the identity of the man." Kurt blinked.

"You know this man?" He inquired.

"I believe I do, Mr. Wagner, I believe I do." Charles wheeled away before anymore questions were asked.

{383 Words}

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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