The Great Khal

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DISCLAIMER ! I do not own any of the Game of Thrones characters, just a few like Delaelyra and a few others who aren't named just yet.

Please do not take my creative plot, i created it so therefor it is mine. (Except the beginning of some part, those are from GOT) when they are speaking Dothraki it will be in bold....
  Delaelyra Targaryan stood on the balcony of her current home in Pentos. Her long white hair flowed down her back with a few braids here and there. Her silky white dress slightly blew from the wind. Delaelyra sighed in content closing her eyes to look up at the sun. Her porcelain skin shined from the rays of sun. "Delaelyra?" Delaelyra, jumped startled from the voice of her younger sister who spoke from behind her, breaking the cool silence in the air. She turned to look at her young little dragon. "Goodmorning my sister." She took long strides, well long enough strides with her short legs. Dany smiled back at her sister, but the smile did not reach her eyes. An action that did not go unnoticed by her elder sister.

"What is the matter Dany?" Delaelyra pulled her sisiter close into a hug, smoothing down her already smooth, hair more with her hand and finger tips. "I'm scared, I do not want to be married off, I don't want to be the Khal's Khaleesi." Her sobs shook her body as her older sister cooed her. "I know my little dragon, I wish I could do more or even do something. But I am soiled, no Khal wants a soiled women. Especially after her own brother was the one to soil her by raping her with two of his men." Delaelyra whispered the last past closing her eyes to the memory.

One night Viserys, and his too men, were arguing with some people of Pentos. They were so angered, they took and stole something so precious to a women. They soiled a women who then at the time was only fourteen, she could not bare a marriage. And she sure did try.  She sighed once more, just as her brother came in. "Ah there are my two sisters, care to share what you are talking about?" Both women said nothing.

"Dany, you do not want to awaken the dragon now do you?" Dany said nothing, causing Viserys nostrils to flare in anger. Delaelyra finally spoke up, "She is scared Viserys, she does not want to be betrothed. She is just fourteen, barely begun to bleed one moon ago." She sighed. Viserys walked up to Dany with vemon in his voice. "I would let his whole tribe fuck you, all forty thousand men and their horses too, if thats what it took to get what I need. I need this army. You will marry Khal Drogo and you will get me this army."

She looked at him with her mouth opened slightly. "Now look what Illyrio has had made for the pair of you, go on. Touch it." Both women stepped forward slightly touching the silks. Daenerys dress was a light shade of lilac purple. While Delaelyra had a white silk. He passed the silks to the handmaidens as he started to descend from the room. "Get dressed the both of you, we have to meet the Khal soon." Daenerys and Delaelrya both stripped naked, slowly entering the scorching hot bath. "My Ladies! It's to hot!" Both women did not care as they both submerged under the hot water.

After the hot bath, both women dressed in their new silks. Letting them flow in the wind as they trailed down behind them. Delaelyra's hair was rebraided, while Dany's was left down in waves. Illyrio walked in with a small smile. Over the course of time of being at their hosts home in Pentos, Illyrion and Delaelyra had gotten close. He taught her the way of the Dothraki and the langue. "Khal Drogo will be here soon, come you two." Both women followed silently behind him. "Do you think the Khal will like me?" Daeneys voice spoke up. Illyrion only smiled not saying one word. "Lets hope for our sake, the Khal does. We wouldn't want to 'awaken the dragon'" Delaelrya spoken in Dothraki towards Illyrion, with a roll of her eyes. Illyrion only smiled as they finally reached the front entrance to the estate.

Viserys stood waiting like a hawl watching the horizon for any Dothraki horses. "Where is he?" He angrily spoken. "The Dothraki aren't very punctual." Illyrion told him calmly. "Ignorant boy." Delaelrya spoke softly towards Illyrion in the native tongue of Dothraki. Finally after several minutes, they heard the hooves of the Dothraki horses running against the pavement.

"Awe My Khal Drogo. let me present the honored guest," Illyrion walked towards the Khal. He was surely handsome to Delaelrya, with his scar on his eyebrown and his long braided pony tail. "Viserys, of House Targaryen, the third of his name, the rightful King of the Andals and the First men, and his two sisters, Daenerys and Delaelrya of House Targaryen." Illyrion started speaking more in Dothraki while Viserys pulled both Dany and Delaelrya to his side. "Do you see how long his hair is? When Dothraki are defeated in combat they cut off their braid so the whole world can see their shame. Khal Drogo has never been defeated. He's a savage of course, but he's one of the finest killers alive. And you will be his Queen." He spoke directly towards Dany.

"Come forward, my dear." Illyrion spoken to Daenerys. She looked at her older sister pleadingly. Delaelrya grabbed her sister's hand and walked with her up to the Khal who was still on horse back. Khal Drogo did not look once at Dany, but only straight forward to Delaelrya, they locked eyes. "I do not want Daenerys, I want Delaelrya." Shock rocked through Delaelrya's body as the Khal said those words. With noting more to say, The Khal rode off with his Khalisar. "Del? What did he say?" Her little dragon asked frantically. "He doesn't want you, he wants me." Viserys spoke angrily towards Delaelrya. "You are soiled! He shouldn't want you!" He walked away as Dany smiled sadly at her sister. "Don't worry little Dragon, I am sure you can come with me." She kissed her forehead and walked inside to get ready for her Dothraki wedding.

Delaelrya sat next to Khal Drogo on a pedestal, wile Dothraki women danced naked and got fucked by many men. The men fought and killed each other throwing braids at the Khals feet. Delaelrya was very pleased to be accepted by the Khalesiar. People gave her snakes and lot of clothing. "A small gift for the new Khaleesi." Ser Jorah spoke. "Songs and history of the seven kingdoms." Delaelrya smiled. "Thank you sir, are you from my home?" Jorah smiled and nodded. "I'm Ser Jorah Mormont, I served your father for a long time. I hope to stick by the rightful king." They both nod at each other before Jorah walks to the side of the pedestal. The last gift Delaelrya received was three dragons eggs, stoned and turned cold from the years. She gazed and held one of the eggs, mesmerized by them. Khal Drogo stands abruptly, walking off the pedestal towards a group of horses. Delaelrya followed in suit behind the Khal after setting the Precious eggs back in the box. A white mare stood next to Khal Drogo's black stallion. "For you." He spoke as she petted the beautiful mare.

"Thank you." She spoke softly, Drogo lifted her onto the horse while she continued to pet the girl. Viserys gripped Delaelrya's leg. "Make him happy, you whore." She stiffened. Khal Drogo started to trot away. She followed behind towards another part of the beach.

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