The "rebound" part one|🕊

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Y'all I'm sooooooo sorry:,(
Summer league got me fucked up💀 I'm sooo freakin busy nowadays! I literally have no time to do anything anymore:(  All I do all day is go to youth class/ mass from 7am to 3pm. And softball from 4pm to 7pm and when I get home all I do is eat and sleep☹️
Today is my day off 🤪 so imma update as much as I can! I love y'all and don't forget to SEND REQUESTS!
(Btw this story takes place in junior year aka 11th grade;)


So me and my friends had decided to throw a party for the celebration of our back-to-back-to-back division champs (meaning we won our freshman year, our sophomore year and now our junior year). Basketball (or whatever sport you want) was our schools best sport! And of course Zion was going to be my escort.
"So speaking about our party, have we found a house?" My friend Avani said. Finding a house to throw our house party's was the worst. None of us were allowed to throw party's at our houses anymore, so we had to BEG other people to lend us there house. "Lily said she knew a friend that would lend us a house." I said looking through the window at whataburger attempting to find lily in the crowd. "Did she say she was gonna come to lunch with us?" Said Denise. "Look there she is!" I said spotting her in the crowed. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late, Mr. Casta wouldn't let me out of class". Lily said placing her gym bag in the floor. "So who's gonna lend us the house??" "Oh yeah, my cousins friend said it was cool to throw a party at his place." When lily was explaining to us the move for the night, I saw my brother coming. Since we're twins we're in the same grade. We have all the same friends, which I really don't mind. He's also the reason why me and Zion met. So when I saw my brother I knew Zion would be there. So when my brother came in with his group of friends, they came and sat with my group. So it was a lot of us in one table. When Zion walked in he came straight to my chair and sat next to me. "I am so excited for tonight!!" I said still losing my mind "where's it gonna be at again?" Zion said not knowing a clue about the move for tonight. "Lily's cousins friends house"
"You could have just done it at Joes" my brother Ricky says. "Every time we do it there something bad happens." Monica says. "True that." "Why aren't the guys excited? You boys are the life of all our party's! Me and the girls couldn't be more excited!!" "We don't dance." Said Joseph and all the other boys agreed. "You don't need to know how to dance if you know how to drinkk! And I know you boys know how to drink!"
"Hey Y/N!" Lexis said running towards us. " I- GOT * out of breath*". "breathe Lexi!" I said while giggling. " I got basically the whole junior and senior class to go to our party tonight!" "What!?" said Ricky. "Let's just say it going to be packed tonight!" Said Lexi as she sat next to me and Zion. "Have fun cleaning" Said Zion staring at me and my friends. " oh no, you boys are gonna help clean

Me and Zion were standing near the drinks when I noticed he wasn't having as much fun as I was.
"Are you okay?" "Yeah I guess...". " You sure :/"  " y/n, I'm fine stop worrying."
"Well if you say so.." I say knowing there's no point in going back and forth. "Anyways, what do you think about the set up? Did you see the theme?." "Pretty nice actually." " Z... stop." You said feeling kind of sad. "There's obviously something wrong." I said failing at changing the subject. " You can just tell me." You beg as you begin to get frustrated. "I told you, I'm fine." "Mhmm" is all you said. "Since you won't tell me what's wrong, I'm just gonna pretend that you're happy too..." "and let's get a little tipsy ya know" "Yep" Said Zion.
" I wonder if the alcohol is here yet. Lily was in charge of it." As you said that lily  came walking passed where you and Zion were. "I'm hereee" lily said as she shot her hands up. "Did you bring the drinks?" You said. "Yup there inside with the crew." "Jeez how many people are here?" " I want to say... close to 200? But don't worry there's enough room for everyone!" Said lily.

while all of us were still drinking. Zion was no where to be found and I was too busy shaking my groove thang with Denise on the table to care.
Me and all of my friends were dancing on the patio in front of the pool, while me and lily were dancing like stripers on top of the hookah table. While Zion was dancing behind me with Joseph. My brother Ric took a random girl upstairs as I stood downstairs minding my business. We spent most of the night dancing  and smoking. I danced on top of Zion and later on I danced on Denise to show off. When me and Denise were dancing on each other all the boys on the patio were filming us.
I told them I'd be right back, I ran to the bathroom and was about to spill my guts out in the hallway!
I was playing Texas hold em' with the boys downstairs. (texas hold em' is like poker, but involves more money) Before I took my last puff of the blunt, I realized my drink was empty. So I went to go get a couple more. As I was filling my cup I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see who it was. Since I was pretty drunk/ high I couldn't recognize her. "WhAaAT?" I said trying to remember who she was. "Are you drunk" the girl asked me. "naAAhhhh" I said trying to keep cool. "Hmmm okay I'll take that as a yes." She said. "SoooOo what's your nAme??" I asked her trying to make small talk. "my name?-" "WaAit nvm you're KyYYyylieeeee" "Kylie? O- wait yeah. You don't look to good." She said concerned. " IIi'mmMMm fiInEe" I said trying to keep my balance. "Ehhh" "sTtop lOokinGg sOo SAd baAbyYy gIRLlll" I said as I lean on the wall." "How bout we go to my place;)"she said with a smirk on her face." "wHYY noT" I said.

I came out of the bathroom and look out the balcony window to see where Zion was at. I see him talking with MIA!! That bitch has tried so hard to get with Zion. So I walked as fast as a drunk ass person can walked and went back downstairs. I saw them walking off and I followed them. I saw them walking hand and hand to her car. "That BBBiTch!!! I knew something was wrong." I had an idea. "He wants to play that game, I can play too." All of a sudden I wasn't mad anymore. "He'll wish he never spoke to her."
"DENISE!!" I yelled at my best friend. "What?" She replied. "Sorry for yelling but I need to ask you something." "What's wrong?" " I just saw Zion walkout with Mia. But anyways have you seen Joseph?" "He's downstairs with the boys I think. Why?" "No reason xD thanks!!"
So I ran downstairs to see where he was. "Well shit, I don't see him anywhere:(". So I walked in the kitchen to see where he is. " lily!?" I say as I see lily dancing alone. "Yyyy/NnN?? aYEEE whatsss gOOD GRILLL?" She said cleary drunk as hell. " Jeez you drank a lot." I said giggling. "IM QUENCHEDDD ;DDD" She said said going to get another drink. "Heyyy Joseph said from behind me. " I've been looking for you." I said turning around to face him. "You've been looking for mee?" He came walking closer to you. "Mhmmmm" You said. "Now come with mee;))) and grab a few drinks on the way." I said and grabbed his hand "sounds good to mee" he said with a smirk. I lead him outside. You went to his car. "LeEts havE sOME funnnnn!"
When we got in his car we started kissing immediately. He broke the kiss and said " just couldn't resist huh?" He said with a smirk. You didn't reply and just kept kissing.

You woke up in Joseph's car and it was still dark. You checked your phone to see the time. It was barely 2:40am, you look to your side and saw Joseph was asleep. You snuck out of the car. "I really should not have donte this" you said when you got up. You closed the car door and felt dizzy. "I need to go back inside." But on your way inside you bumped into someone and you fell on the ground. "Fuck." You said as the guy who bumped into you helped you up. "I'm sorry:(" you said when you got up from the floor. "No need to apologize, it was my fault." He said. Why's he being so nice? "No it was mine, I drank a little to much. I said feeling sorry for myself. "Suit yourself, but anyways... what happened?" He said referring to Joseph. "Heh, yeah about thatttt... he got tired and fell asleep?" You said attempting to make up a story. "Wait, who even are you..." I said not trying to come off rude.
"Me? I'm Malone." He said sounding so confident. "Nice to meet you, I'm y/n!" "How come I haven't seen you around?" I asked him. "Hm I don't know... what grade are you in?" " I'm a junior... and you?" I asked him. "Mhmm makes sense, I'm a senior." He explained.
I had taken him to the patio with lily. And apparently this is his house! He is Lily's cousins friend! So me and lily were dancing and drinking with him. And since lily was drunk she didn't remember who he was. "oOOO get it gIRL!!" Lily said to me as I was dancing with her. "aNDDD wHooo is your frAnDdd!?" Lily said looking at Malone. "This is Malone." I said and stopped dancing. "Hellloo;))... can I just sayyy your parents did a greattt job on you;)" said Lilly "xDD thanks" Malone said giggling. "Ignore Lilly xD she drank a LOTTT" I said to Malone.
"I can tell xD"
"Can we play titanic laterrr... I'll be the ocean and you can go down on meee;))" lily said being hella creepy. But she's drunk soo🤷‍♀️. "Well damn..." was all I said. "You can ask someone else that xD" " oOo feisttyy" lily said. "You don't know what you're missinggggg" Lily said being stubborn. "Jeez" I said enjoying this conversation. Then all of a subbed I got a big ass head ache. "Omf my headdd" I said placing my hands on my forehead. "You okay" Malone said sounding concerned. "My head just started pounding and I don't know wHYY... I think I drank too much:(". "I'll take you to your dorm if you want" Malone said being the only sober one. "You would do that?" "Mhmm:)" "thanks:D"

"Thanks a lot for offering to take me home." I said to Malone as we got in his car. "It's really no problem y/n."

"Which unit?" Malone said. " um unit C... just keep going straight from here." He kept driving forward and he got to the unit. "Here is fine" "okay mind if I walk you in?" "Mhmm... no not at all."

"Thanks... again" I said. "No problem, if you ever need someone to help you drive home, you know who to call" "of course, I'll have you on speed dial!" "We should really hang out more." Malone said as he got closer to you. "Yeah x) you're really nice tbh." You said. "Thanks, can I ask you something? Can I have your number?"
"Sure it's (I'm to lazy to come up with one xD)... Call me anytime:)" I said "Will do xD." "Well I'll see you Monday hopefully xD." He said. "Byeeee" I said to Malone and gave him a hug.
"I wonder why I've never meet him before." I told myself as I opened my door.
"See you Monday?" Said Zion. You didn't say anything because you knew exactly how it was. You turned to him and he said "fuck you." "Calm the fuck down, he took me home because I was literally about to die." I said trying not to make things worse. "Nothing happened between him and I."
"And it's funny how you're saying 'fuck you' to me when I should be saying it to your ass."
"Don't act so innocent you asshole."
"Talk to me when your not so busy being a big fucking slut." "Sorry but last time I checked, I didn't leave the party with with some other slut!" You scram and slammed the door on his face. He kept banging on the door. Which I already know I'm gonna get written up for in the morning.

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