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                       A local store selling beautiful necklaces, diamond earing and rings was being robbed by four men wearing black masks, black long sleeves and pants. Two people watched the robbers from the window as the robbers stuffed money in their duffle bag.

They looked at their own reflection from the window, both the man and the woman had deathly pale skin, hair white as the first snowfall, and icy blue eyes. Both their hair and eyes matched their full body suit even their boots and gloves were white.

They looked at one another and grinned. "Well what do we have here? It seems like we have a little robbery in our hands," the women said as she turned to the man besides her. "You know what we must do, right Matteo?"

"Oh, yes." said Matteo his eyes grinning, "This will be fun, won't it Zanetta?"

Zanetta and Matteo raised opposite arms sending electrical sparks to the window, shattering it. The loud sound of the alarm made the robbers jump, as Matteo's and Zanetta's body morphed into an electric spark. The robbers each took out a gun and started shooting towards it. The electric sparks moved around the room missing the bullets each time until the robbers ran out. The robbers could hear Matteo and Zanetta laughing as they slowly appeared in human form in front of them.

"Well isn't it just our luck that we were passing by and saw you all robbing this jewelry store. Isn't that right Matteo?" she said grinning.

Matteo looked at her and smiled, "Yes, well aren't we lucky, some people might even call this fate."

Zanetta started to walk around the robbers as her body started to spark electricity "The police will be here any minute what shall you guys do."

One robber grabbed the duffle bag making a run for it out the front door.

Matteo turned around to go after him but Zanetta stopped him. "We can deal with him later, what are we going to do with them?"

"What we always do," Matteo smirked.

Electric sparks started floating around him, carefully making the glass shards float around. As the glass shards glowed a yellow orange hue and started to come together morphing into what looked like a rope. The glass rope surrounded the robbers tying them up.

Zanetta's hands started to spark she looked at the two security camera, located on opposite sides of the room. Raising her hand towards them. Sparks surrounded the cameras frying it until it's unusable.

"Now the police can have their way with you," he said.

They both disappeared into two spark, following the path of the robber that escaped with the duffle bag in front of the jewelry store. The sparks split and one stayed a few steps away while the other spark got closer to the robber and changed to a human. Zanetta landed on top of robber's back making him fall flat on his face.

Zanetta took the duffle bag from the robbers hand, "I think this belongs to us." She then threw it to Matteo, who quickly took it and opened the bag to see the money. He quickly closed it while Zanetta got off from the robber's back. Zanetta was going to morph into a spark of light, when suddenly she and the robber got caught by a net. Zanetta tried to morph into a spark again but was unable to, a cold sweat started to form on her forehead. Matteo started to look from where the net came from. He was unfortunately unable to find the owner of the net he started to walk closer.

"Matteo, don't come closer, leave me." Zanetta screamed, " Who ever threw the net is probably coming for us. Go."

Matteo was reluctant to leave her as a his eyes turned watery, "Okay, I'll leave but I'll be back for you. I promise."

With that Matteo disappeared with the duffle bag. Zanetta tried to remove the net using electricity.

You're probably wondering how Zanetta got into such a mess well it all started....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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