{9} Love Bites

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I'm sitting at my desk at work, waiting on my next meeting to begin when I receive my first email of the day from Ana.


10:00 AM

From: Anastasia Grey

To: Christian Grey

Subject: Lunchtime

It's not yet time for your lunch break, but I'm already eating my lunch and so is Teddy. I'm interrupting your business day to ask what your plans for lunch are. Are you coming here or shall I come to you?

With love... and lust, Your Wife.


As I read it I can't help but smile. She could use any method of communication she likes, text, call, she could even just show up here, yet she chooses to always communicate via flirty emails with me when I'm at work.


10:04 AM

From: Christian Grey

To: Anastasia Grey

Subject: My plans

I'm very pleased to hear that both Ted and You are enjoying your lunch together. I'm also very pleased that your'e interrupting my work day. I miss you when I'm away. Now, as for my plans for lunch I have a business meeting scheduled during my usual break time so I won't be coming to you nor will I have you here. When my meeting is finished I'm leaving for the day so I can proceed with my plans for the afternoon that have nothing to do with what we'll be eating for lunch. I've already called my mother to inform her to come pick up Ted for the day. We'll have the house to ourselves and by the look of the last line of your email that's exactly what you needed.

With love...and as always lust, Your Husband.


11:00 AM

From: Anastasia Grey

To: Christian Grey

Subject: Your plans

I'm intrigued by these plans you speak of. Care to elaborate on them? Your mother has picked up Ted and I am all alone.

Awaiting Your Pleasure, Your Wife. XX


I'm already in my lunchtime meeting when I type out my response to her.


From: Christian Grey

To: Anastasia Grey

Subject: My Pleasure

Always intrigued, aren't you? You won't be kept waiting much longer. Here are your instructions for the duration of your wait.

First, I want you to go into our closet and get the following items; Lined Cuffs, Nipple Clamps, and the pair of lace panties I've set out for you. Take them to our bedroom and wait for me there.


She doesn't respond to my email so I take her lack of response as indication that she is in fact following her instructions and waiting for me. Now distracted by the mental picture of her in our bedroom waiting, I finish my meeting in a hurry.

When I get inside, the house is silent. I kick my shoes off and untie my tie and remove it from my neck as I make my way to the bedroom. I shove the tie into my pocket and my lungs loose all their air as I walk through the doorway. My eyes grow wide as I catch sight of Ana where she's kneeling on the bed. Her legs are spread apart, and her hands are resting on her thighs. Both the cuffs and clamps are placed on the nightstand ready for use. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Grey." I greet her, as I move to unbutton and remove my dress shirt. "Good afternoon, Husband." She smiles sweetly at me, but her eyes are dark and luminous. I grab the cuffs first and hover over her on the bed. "Put both hands behind your back." She does as I say, and I click the cuffs into place behind her. "Did you pump today?" Since we had our lunches apart, I assumed she would. She shakes her head to indicate that she hasn't. "I wanted to wait for you." She says, her voice low. "These will hurt then." I take the clamps from the nightstand and quickly replace them with a smaller, gentler pair. "These will be much better." I swiftly put one on her and watch her reaction. She hisses slightly at the sensation, but she doesn't ask me to stop. I place the other one on just as cautiously as the first. Then I take her face in my hands and hold her gaze to mine. "Feel good?" She pauses a moment, assessing her feelings, then nods slightly. "Good." I plant a kiss on her forehead, then her lips. Now for the real fun to begin... I suckle along the underneath portion of her breasts. With each suck and bite, she moans softly against my ears, urging me to continue. "I'm going to mark you...is that okay? It'll be here." I mummer against her chest. "Out of sight." I pause for a moment anxious to hear her response. I know how she felt about the hickeys I caused on our honeymoon. That situation had caused unneeded turmoil in our relationship and I don't want to repeat it anytime soon. But that time was different. It was out of jealousy and anger and a terrible lack in good judgement on my part. "Yes. That's okay." She whispers after a short silence. "Continue, please." I smile at her agreement. "As you wish, Mrs. Grey." I plant a line of kisses in the space just beneath her breasts, each time with more force. I repeat the pattern, sucking and biting away, along the sides and in a v formation on top, never coming into contact with her pulsating nipples. "Christian!" She moans my name, when my lips press between her breasts and my hands move upwards to remove the nipple clamps. I can feel the tension building in her as I brush my fingers along her sex. Her skins burning with heat and she's flushed with a warm blush all over. Completely exposed to me. I bring my lips to her left breast and latch on, then begin to suckle. She tilts her head back and groans, finally getting relief from the intense pressure caused by her full supply and heightened by the clamps. I release and switch sides to latch onto her right breast, and she sighs with pleasure. When I'm finished her breathing is heavy and the wetness between her legs has drenched my fingertips through her panties. I reach my arms behind her and unlatch the cuffs, as my erection presses into her middle. With her hands free from their restraints she reaches for me and pulls my body into hers. We collapse on the bed, bodies together bound by mutual need.

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