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No one

It was a normal day in Min household. Yoongi was trying on skirts that he recently bought. When suddenly his room door swung open. He mentally yelled at himself for not locking the door. He knew his parents were home but yet he had still forgotten to lock his bedroom door. His father started at him in disbelief before storming over to Yoongi.

"What the hell are you wearing!?" His father had yelled at him. Yoongi was scared since he hated loud noises and in all of his years of living never heard his father this angry before. "Its not what it looks like father. I-I", Yoongi tried to come up with a reason as to why he was in a skirt but nothing came to him.

"Why are you wearing a skirt!?" His dad yelled again. He was beyond pissed that his son was being gay in his home. This time his mother came in to see what all the commotion was about. "I was trying on skirts because I thought they were pretty and I really like how they look on me." Yoongi said quickly avoiding his father stare and he looked at the ground.

"No son of mine will try on women's clothing and think he can live in my house!" His mom yelled at him which surprised Yoongi. He was shocked, never in a million years would he expect his mother to yell at him let alone disapprove him. He was expected this from his dad not his mother.

He thought his mom would except him, love him for who he was, care about him not matter what gender he like. Yoongi was wrong, incredibly wrong. His mother was just like his father. "Get the hell out of my house!" Yoongi was taken back by his dad words. "Bu-but I have no were to go." Yoongi whispered.

"I don't give a damn. Get out of my house! I never want to see or hear from you again Yoongi do you understand that?!." Yoongi rapidly nodded afraid of what his father would do if he didn't listen. Yoongi quickly packed most of his things and left the house before his parents could hurt him anymore.

☾time skip☽


It had been 2 weeks since my parents had kicked me out of their house. It felt as if 2 months had passed but in reality it was only 2 weeks. Within those 14 days I had a little money saved that I could eat with. I slept on a park bench that was very uncomfortable but better than sleeping on the ground.

I walked around trying to find a cheap place to eat at while trying to think of away I would survive. Soon the money I had would run out and I would have to try and look for away to care for myself.

I would have to live on the streets until I get an actual job. Than maybe I could buy a tiny apartment that I was decorate to my liking. I was deep in thought that I hadn't been paying attention as to where I was going and bumped into someone.


I was walking not paying attention to anything as I was playing random games on my phone. I felt someone bump into me. I looked down and saw a boy around 5'0 with black hair and a bag on his shoulder. "I am so sorry" He apologized. "No, no I am sorry I should have been paying attention to were I was walking. You shouldn't have to apologize." I said. He looked up at me and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Y-you're Jungkook the famous model. I ran into a famous person my accident I'm a damn idiot." He mumbled to him self. "Hey now don't beat yourself up it was a simple accident. It's fine." I couldn't stand when put themselves down. "No it's not. I bumped into you, you should be pissed, you should be yelling at me not apologizing."

He responded. I shrugged. "I guess I'm different. What's your name?" I asked him. He stared at me in disbelief before blushing and answering my question. "Y-Yoongi, Min Yoongi", hmm Yoongi? Cute name. "So we're are you going, Yoongi? I could give you a ride." I asked politely. "Oh no, I don't need a ride I'm fine walking. Thank you for the offer." He gave me a small smile.

"Are you sure? I mean my car isn't that far and I was just about to leave myself." I asked. "I don't want to be a burden, plus I really don't have have a destination." He explained. What does he mean by not having a destination?

"You don't know where you are going? Please don't tell me you're a runaway." He shook his head no and laughed lightly. "My parents kicked me out and now I'm just roaming the streets until I find a job and a place to call home." He explained to me. Awe poor baby. I wish I could take him in. Wait a minute I can.

"You can live with my friends and I. They won't mind and we have a spare room that you can use since Seokjin hyung's sister moved out." He started at me probably trying to figure out why I had asked him to move in with me.

"I could be a murderer and you are just letting me into your house." I laughed at him. "You a murderer? You couldn't take me down and I know you are harmless." He rolled his eyes. "Don't judge a book by its cover. The quietest ones could be the scariest." He mumbled.

"You aren't scary at all Yoongi now I said you're living with me so you're living with me no questions asked." I said as he shook his head again. "I will cause trouble or I'll be too annoying." He tried to change my mind.

"Trust me you won't be annoying Yoongi." I tried to reassure him. "You won't let me go until I say yes won't you?" I nodded. He sighed and mumbled something before looking back up at me.

"Fine, I'll stay with you but only for a little while. I don't wanna be a burden." He mumbled. I gave him one of my sigure bunny smile and he blushed. I lead him to my car. "I should introduce myself. I'm-", Yoongi cut me off. "Jeon Jungkook famous model. I've been a fan for years." I smiled. "A fan you say?" He nodded rapidly. "That's great."


I knew this book was bad but not this bad.

Wc: 1115


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