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I can't believe that I am going to live with Jungkook! He lives with so many people already though I seen Taehyung and Jimin on his lives more than one time so I know they have to live there and there's also a rumor that Hoseok lives there too.

"Jungkook, who else do you live with besides Jimin and Taehyung?" I asked. "Hoseok, Seokjin and Namjoon." He said. "You live with the Kim Seokjin?!" I asked surprised. He just nodded. "You live with them and didn't tell me?! I can't meet them like this I look horrible and gross."

"They aren't home yet so you have time to impress them." Jungkook smiled at me his bunny teeth on fully display. "That goodness, what time will they be back?" I'm already acting like we are friends. He is of higher class than me I need to calm down.

☾time skip☽

We arrived at his house. Their house is gigantic. I stared at the house no castle they lived in. "Jungkook hyung you're house is big and really pretty." I was amazed at the house that I would never picture myself walking into let alone living it. "You're so cute Yoongi" He ruffled my hair.

"Come on so I can show you around the house." He said grabbing my hand and leading me towards the house. "Hyung stop holding my hand. I'm not a 5 year old." I mumbled. "You will get lost if I don't hold your hand." He chuckled and intertwined our fingers. I rolled my eyes but let him hold my hand.

We walked into the house and it was incredible. Expensive furniture, chandeliers, amazing decor. I felt out of place in the huge house. I played with my ear something I always did when I was nervous.

"Don't be nervous, Yoongi." How'd he know I was nervous? "I'm not nervous." I lied. I was beyond nervous. "You're lying I can tell." How?! I didn't question him again and let him show me around the house.

I took about 30 minutes for him to show me most of the house. He showed me whose room was whose and where the kitchen and stuff like that was. "I'll stop bugging you now you probably want to go shower and get dressed there are clothes in the closest if you don't like them than we can go shopping tomorrow for you." I thanked him and walked back up the stairs.

"Ok he said my room was two doors to the right. In between his room and Jimin's." I followed what Jungkook had told me and found the room on my own. "Yess", I happily walked into the room and stared in amazement. "Seokjin's sister was crazy to leave all this behind."

I mumbled walking over to the glass door that was the closet where she kept clothes. Some clothing was missing but almost 90% of the huge walk in closet was left. "She left most of her clothing here! Probably she hadn't liked them that much?" I asked myself. I shrugged and grabbed an outfit that looked pleasing enough. (Outfit in the mm) I placed the outfit on the bed.

I walked into the connected bathroom which was huge. "It looks as if they turned a spare bedroom into a bathroom." I looked around the huge bathroom. "Yeah I'm definently out of place here." I chose between taking a shower or taking a bath. "Which is more relaxing?" I asked myself.

"A bath it is", I said as I seen bubble bath next to the bath tub. I turned on the water and looked at the bubble bath instructions. "1 cup? Fuck that", I poured the bubble bath into the tub not caring about the instructions and stopped when I felt like it was enough.

"That should be good." I turned off the water and stripped from my clothing stepping into the warm water. I played with the bubbles and relaxed. There was a knock at the door. "Yoongi?" Jungkook called through the door. I hummed letting him know I was in here. "There's towels in the sink cabinet. I'll be downstairs if you need me." He walked away from the door.

"Okay thank you!" I yelled back as he walked away. "You're welcome!" He responded. I was in the bath for a while before deciding to get out since the water was getting cold and most of the bubbles were gone. I stepped out of the water and shivered as the cold air hit my skin.

I quickly grabbed the fluffiest towel I seen and wrapped it around myself. I dried myself off and walked out the bathroom. I dropped the towel and got dressed. I looked at myself in the full body mirror. "This is perfect." I did a little spin and giggled at myself. I'm so weird.

I walked out the room and went to find Jungkook. I skipped down the stairs into the living room where I seen 3 other people with Jungkook. Everyone turned to look at me. I shrieked and hid behind Jungkook. I didn't like to be the center of attention. "Awe he's adorable Jungkook." Seokjin said as he waved at me. I blushed.

The Kim Seokjin just waved at me and called me adorable this must be a dream. Please be a dream. "Yoongi stop hiding and say hi." Jungkook pulled me from behind him. I bowed and introduced myself. "Hello, I'm Yoongi." I said politely not trying to stutter. "And he's well mannered Jungkook you need to take notes." Jungkook rolled his eyes at Seokjin and I giggled.

"That was so cute I want to keep him forever." Taehyung playfully messed up my hair. "Your hair is so soft." He ran his fingers through my hair. "Taehyung move I wanna feel." Jimin said as he pushed Taehyung. "Jimin you are going to scare him!" Seokjin yelled. I hid behind Jungkook again. "Jimin you scared him!" Taehyung yelled.

"No I didn't it was clearly Jin hyung!" Jimin yelled. I covered my ears and whimpered. "You all are scaring him he does like loud noises." Jungkook said as calmly as possible. Jungkook pulled me from behind him again. "Lets do this again." Jimin said. "Hi Yoongi, I'm Jimin that's Taehyung and that's Seokjin." Jimin said as if I didn't already know who they were.

"I already know who you are. Seokjin I'm a big fan and thank you for calling me adorable. Jimin I love the suit you had made for Jungkook that he modeled in and Taehyung you are the best Gucci model!" I said a little too excitedly. "Who could resist the charms of Kim Seokjin. I am world wide handsome." Seokjin said which made everyone but me gag.

I giggled at him. "Jungkook you said Hoseok and Namjoon also lived here. Where are they?" I asked Jungkook. "We're right here!" Hoseok said loudly causing me to jump. "Hoseok what have we told you about being loud? You act like you're one of the maknaes." Seokjin said as Hoseok pouted. "I'm sorry hyung but Jin hyung is right you are quite loud." Namjoon agreed with Seokjin.

"Don't worry Hobi I don't think you're that loud. Seokjin was louder than you when he yelled at Jimin." I gave Hobi a hug and he gladly accepted. "So he gets a nickname and we don't?!" Jin complained.


So, originally this chapter only had about 200 words which is sad.

Wc: 1248


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