through the dark

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the cold ground tore beaneath my feet. swift air curled through my hair and behind me to follow the others. little whispers called after us, coming closer. it was peace breaking, why was this happening? I kept running, leaping around obstacles and bracing myself for enemies. Ella and I ran, fumbling for the materials we needed to catch the shadow that followed behind us. terrifying screeches arose around us. "come on!" I called, seeing the ship's huge sails flow elegantly in the breeze. Ella was now grabbing things from the bag as I summoned a candle and struggled to light it through the ripping wind.

my hands tumbled.

the next thing I know is the shadow being ripped away into Pandora's box.

and then I see nothing.

when my eyes open, i'm in a dark room. my head hurts insanely and Ella is sitting next to me, a cold rag in her hand, gently patting my forehead. "what happened?" I asked her, struggling to sit up. "after we caught the shadow, you tripped and hit your head pretty hard." a boy was sitting next to her along with Majestaire. both of them had concerned looks on their faces.

Hook and Emma broke the silence by entering.

"you okay kid?" Emma asked me.

I nodded silently.

things were quiet. we all just stared at each other until Ella clasped her arms around me.

"your heart stopped for a moment Eeva. we were all so worried," she whispered to me.

my lower lip quivered, my heart beating fast.

the room was in the ship, and I could hear the waves lapping gently at the sides.

I embraced Ella back. "I'm sorry" I whispered, because I knew Ella was worried about me.

I was too.


more to come!

that was in Eeva's POV.

I enjoyed writing that.

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