I Love You

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Mark was going out of his mind with worry. He had talked to Jaehyun about this matter but he hadn't been so sure that it was the right time to do so. Jaehyun thought differently; he thought that it was about time to do so since Donghyuck and Mark had been lovers for over half a year.

Mark had to agree with that, so he agreed to try and see what the future would bring, and Jaehyun had clapped him on his back saying, "it will work out!"

So, while they were sitting there enjoying their ice cream, Mark decided to speak up.

"Donghyuck..." Mark let out after some time of eating their ice cream and getting cozy, and gulped nervously. He was very anxious of what he was about to say, but he had to get it out of his chest.

Donghyuck put his attention towards Mark and looked at questioningly, obviously sensing his nervousness.

"Yes, Mark?" Donghyuck cautiously replied, anticipating what Mark was going to say.

Mark straightened up and turned towards Donghyuck so they were facing each other and took a deep breath.

"So, I was just wondering that since we've been lovers for so long and that our feelings for each other has developed to the even better... I-i just thought that maybe we could take it to the n-new step? And become, you know, boyfriends?" Mark looked cautiously and anxiously at Donghyuck, trying to read his every move.

Donghyuck had tensed up and just sat there looking dumbfounded, his cheeks turning red, and eyes turning from content to concern. He looked down at his ice cream before he smiled shyly and let out a little huff.

"I-I... um..." Donghyuck began and Mark immediately got nervous and tried to save the situation.

"I mean... I just hope we could, because, you know... I love you very dearly and think so highly of you. I love everything about you from your beautiful shiny eyes to the passionate kisses you'd share with me... I've become addicted to it... and I really would love to make you mine forever," Mark added, obviously trying to put more topping to the cake and make Donghyuck more sure that he should go for him and give him a try.

Donghyuck was still completely unsure of this whole situation should he say yes or decline? He was very close to declining since he was convinced he wasn't ready for a stable relationship after what his previous boyfriend did to him, but he has known Mark for over half a year, so he thought he could at least give him a try. So he accepted.

"Yes, I would love to," he finally answered after some time of hard thinking and gave Mark a smile, who looked beyond relieved, a huge smile growing on his face making him shine. Donghyuck couldn't help but smile back at him and feel a little bit at ease. A little bit.


"Omg, you're kidding!" Jeno exclaimed excitedly. "You're finally a couple now?? Like you've passed that lovers-state now?" Mark laughed as he held Donghyuck around the waist. They were just finishing school and were now standing by the lockers, collecting and disposing some stuff from their lockers. Donghyuck was only smiling, feeling a bit unsure of everything, but felt a little happy nonetheless.

"Yes, we are and yes, we have! I finally asked the question two days ago!" Mark happily spoke with a huge grin on his face. After Mark had asked the question if they should elaborate their relationship into a couple, they decided to wait for a couple of days before they announced their relationship. Mark wanted to yell it out immediately, but since Donghyuck didn't really feel comfortable with it yet they decided to wait. Mark was way too oblivious to see the uncertainty written over Donghyuck's face, which made Donghyuck a little uneasy since he tried his best to be positive, because he wanted this to work. He wanted Mark to realise that they should maybe draw back and wait a little longer, but the happiness that decorated Mark's face making him look like a little happy puppy, made Donghyuck okay with Mark not seeing it.

"Omg, that's so awesome! I've been waiting for this moment!" Jaemin exclaimed and clapped his hands. Donghyuck smiled, he did like being with Mark. That wasn't it. He was scared of being let down. Terrified even. He was not nearly sure he would survive again with another heartbreak so he tried to keep his distance, but he couldn't with Mark.

"This needs a celebration!" Renjun exclaimed, and they all laughed. "Come to my place tomorrow! Friday! And we'll celebrate with a party!" Everybody loved the idea and Mark was completely ecstatic. He wanted to celebrate this too. This was the happiest moment of his life, but Donghyuck was too shy and embarrassed to let him round about and yell it out loud. So Mark didn't. He wanted his Dongie to be comfortable with it all. He knew what he had gone through to be where he was now. That's why he kissed his cheeks when he saw how tense he was beside him and then tugged him closer to his body for extra comfort.

Donghyuck looked up and smiled at him at, appreciating the effort. It did help actually, but only a bit.

"Don't worry, Dongie, I'm not him," Mark whispered comfortingly in his ear and Donghyuck's ears and cheeks flared, but his heart ached. Mark didn't say his name, but the memory was enough to hurt Donghyuck a little.

"I know, babe. I love you," Donghyuck smiled warmly. He really meant what he said. He loved Mark. He seriously did, but was he ready for a relationship? He didn't know. He guessed he'd just have to wait and see what'll happen.


ayeee the first chapter! It's getting interesting!

maybe some uninteresting news... but I just had my last exam of high school meaning I'm a free woman now! I graduate on Friday but I'm practically done now but yeah lmao here it is...

I hope you liked the chapter :3 I'll see you next time!

I love you all so much <3 stay safe okay?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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