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"Owee" I'm woke up my being sat on and the person laughs. I open my eyes and Tatara is recording me and Yata is literally jumping on me.
"Happy Halloween," I groan and push Yata, and sit up.
"You both look like shit," Mr. Kusanagi points at me than Yata. I see Mikoto behind him look at me for a few seconds as if examining my face, then look away at the bar.
"You look great," Yata says point at my face and I laugh.
"Well your still ugly," I say and he gasps and Jumps in me.
"Take it back! You know what your eyes are more swollen then mine!" He says as I push him and tackle him.
"Your so mean!" I whine sarcastically and cross my arms. I stand up off of him and walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and my eyes aren't swollen but they hurt a little. I water my face and I look in the mirror, you can tell I cried but that will wear off later. I walk back out to the bar where everyone Is just waking up and Kusanagi is making breakfast. I sit up at the bar and wait for breakfast.
"Where's Anna?" I say looking around, Everyone just shrugs.
"She's in your room," Izumo Smiles. My room? I stand up and walk up stairs to my surprise my door is already open.
"Come on won't you come eat?" I hear Mikoto day and Anna reply's with a hard No. I pop my head into the door before walking in.
"Why not?" I ask, Anna pops up from my bed and looks at me. A large smile spreads across her face and she jumps off the bed onto me and I catch her.
"You came back," She says wrapping her small arms across my neck.
"Yeah, of course I did." I say resting my chin on her shoulder and looking at mikoto.
"Why wouldn't I?" I say smiling. She leans back and puts her small pale hands on my cheeks.
"Cause everyone were being Jerks," I laugh.
"That's okay because I love these dumb jerks," I lean into her ear "Except Yata he's the dumbest." We both laugh and I see Mikoto smile, I think he heard me.
"Now, How about we get breakfast?" She nods and holds onto my neck, I turn to walk out of the door and I look back at Mikoto. He's starting out the window and then looks at the picture frame I have of the both of us. He smiles and so do I, I walk Anna down the stairs.
"Look who I've got," I say cheerful and everyone welcomes Anna. I sit her down on the stool next to me and we began to eat.
"So everyone knows their groups for tonight? After breakfast I recommend everyone gets ready because there is a festival today too." I nod in response.
"I'll help clean up the kitchen before I get ready," I say grabbing my plate and washing it and putting it away.
"That would be greatly appreciated," Izumo Smiles.
"Can we go get on our costumes!?" Anna shouts clearly excited and I smile throwing away the extra food on people's plate and wash them. Anna drags Mikoto up stairs to get her costume. I wonder if he's actually gonna wear his? After a few moments, Izumo looks at me.
"You wanna finish up, so I can go get ready?" I nod and watch him walk off to go upstairs. I hear little foot steps running down the steps and when I look up Anna does a little twirl in her uniform and I gasp.
"You look so cute!!" I say, fan hurling and I see mikoto appear from the stairs in a matching uniform. I blush deeply, he looks Hot honestly. All of us getting matching uniforms was definitely a good idea.
"This is so stupid," He grumbles, I continue sweeping.
"I think it looks nice," I say and then people start filling down the stairs in their uniforms.
"Your the only one without yours on yet," Yata says as I put things away.
"I'm waiting on Izumo," within seconds he join the conversation.
"Go ahead," He says and I smile, on my way I flick Yata in the head. I lock my bedroom door behind me and behind to put on the uniform. The skirt is a little short but that's okay, I zip up the leather knee boots, slide on my gloves and put my hat on. I throw on a wince of make up, Before I turn to leave something catches my eye, by the picture of me and mikoto is a note witch says 'I'm sorry'. I smile and open my door to go down stairs. Tatara is already recording  and he turns to me and whistles I giggle and everyone is clapping and Dewa grabs my hand 'helping me down the steps'. I do a mini curtsy before spinning and I laugh from everyone's encouragement.
"Alright guys, get into your groups." I grab Tatara and drag him over to Yata.
"Let's take a picture!" Tatara uses his phone for once and I put up a peace sign.
"Everything looks good now let's go," Izumo says opening the doors, as everyone crowds out, I politely wait behind. So does Mikoto and Anna. Anna pulls Mikoto over too me and takes hold of my hand too. As everyone piles out and we start to walk out and Mikoto catches my Attention.
"You look, Cute." I blush a little flustered.
"Oh, Thank you." I smile softly and with that I feel my cheeks tint.

Fallen Desire {Sequel to flames with a passion, Mikoto X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now