Chapter 2 -- The Call

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Annabelle ran to get the phone.  "Hello?"

A male voice answered.  "Um, Annabelle?  I need you to come over.  Like, now.  Get Marissa too."  

"Um, is it okay if I bring a Norse god with me?"  Annabelle asked, glancing at the Asgardian, who was looking around curiously.  

"That's oddly specific, but alright?"  The male said.

"Thanks Bryan, love you.  See you soon!~"  Annabelle hung up before calling Marissa.

Her favorite cousin picked up, of course.  "Henlo?"

"Marissa.  We need to go to Bryan's house.  Meet us out front."  Annabelle said.

"Us?" Marissa asked.

"Yeah, I'm bringing one more person."  Annabelle said.  

"Aight, be there in ten!" Marissa said before hanging up.

Annabelle put down the phone.  "C'mon, Loki.  We're going somewhere."  she said, looking over at the Norse god, who perked and set down the framed picture.  

"Alright, child.  Let's go."  the God of Mischief was raring to go.

Annabelle nodded and opened the door.  "To victory!"  she yelled, giggling as she broke into a run, Loki following close behind.

~Ten Minutes Later~

Annabelle got to the house just as Marissa did.  She stopped short when she saw Loki.  "Oh no."  was all she said.  

"C'mon, Marissa!  He's harmless!"  Annabelle smiled lightly.

Marissa eyed the god suspiciously, but didn't protest further.  She went in the gate, and the other two followed.

{{To be continued soon!}}

Everything Stayed - A Marvel FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang