part 1

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Forgotten Son: Rebirth of the Otsutsuki Clan

I don't own Naruto


Naruto has always been alone even in his own home ever since he was born as his sister was the Jinchuriki and in turn was seen as a hero while he was forgotten more and more as he and his sister aged until he was little more than a phantom lost and forgotten amongst the 'perfect family'.


A 12 year old Naruto was in the library copying down the katas for fighting stances and bladed styles of the uzumaki clan as well as Minato's own special teleportation seal after a few minutes Naruto finished his copies and put the originals away and put his in a safe place in his room behind a safety and hiding seal within a loose board in his room and before he could get up his door was thrown open.

"Oni-san spar with me now!" demanded Naruko before she took off to the training area within the compound Naruto gave a sigh and mold it over in his head (If I go I will must like get the crap beat out of me and if I don't Naruko will complain to Kushani and Minato and I will be punished…shit!) Naruto stood angrily and walked out to the training area.

Naruko was angrily tapping her foot as Naruto approached "What took you so long?" Naruto stared at her blankly "Let's just get this over with Naruko." Naruko gained a sneer "What are you afraid get your butt handed to you." Naruko then got into the stance that her parents had taught her.

Naruto didn't reply and instead got into one of stances that he taught himself and waited when suddenly Naruko threw herself at him and attempted to land a kick but Naruto managed to duck in time and then he managed to land a hit on Naruko's leg making the girl fall allowing Naruto to put some space between himself and Naruko before she got up grounding her teeth as she did so.

Naruto began to inch forward slowly as Naruko got back into her own stance before they reached the middle of the ring before Naruto struck with a kick to Naruko's side slamming into her before she managed to grab his leg before elbowing his lower leg earning a gasp of pain from Naruto before he flipped and knocked her out with a kick to the jaw.

Naruto stood and gave a worried sigh before he felt something move dark begin to form behind him just as he turned he was greeted with a fist two the face knocking Naruto into the wall of their home before Naruko dashed forward again and began clawing deeply into his chest repeatedly until several golden chains restrained her before Minato dashed forward and slammed a seal into Naruko's stomach causing the dark chakra to disappear leaving the girl to fall to the floor unconscious.

Naruto watched as his parents once again ignored him in turn for his sister as he began to lose consciousness due to blood lose no one not even Naruto were aware but before he closed his eyes one last time his eyes changed first the pupil shrank and then several rings formed before a single tome appeared on the outer most ring and then the changed vanished as Naruto's world turned black.

Minato teleported to the hospital with Naruko while Kushina ran and grabbed Naruto and shushined and once they were there Naruko got a checkup and Naruto went to the ER to attempt to save the young boys life.

5 hours later

The doctor arrived and gave Minato and Kushina the news "The boy is stable but the hit to the head that Naruko delivered caused internal bleeding and he has entered into a coma however there is good news the Kyuubi's chakra is helping heal him…I believe that due his exposure in the womb has helped with this although I am not sure what will happen to him once he awakens."

Minato spoke first "What room is he in?" the doctor looked at the two "Room 208." and with that the doctor left to deal with his other patients leaving the two parents to run to their child's bed.

Once they were inside they were met with the sight of their son his chest covered in bandages and a few around his head and he also possessed a faint crimson glow around his entire body which had paled considerably since they had last saw him and the whiskers had also darkened and his nails had turned into claws.

Minato and Kushina looked down at the child whom once share a much greater resemblance to them but now had far few and they had to live with the fact that they were at least somewhat responsible for both their son's and daughter's current state.

Suddenly the door to Naruto's room was thrown open by Naruko whom ran then ran in and stood in front of her parents "What are you doing in here with him!?"

Minato and Kushina looked at their daughter in shock Kushina was the first to reply "Naruko your brother is really hurt why are you acting like this?" Naruko gained an angry yet confused face "What do you mean you guys are the ones acting weird I mean you never cared when I hurt him before so why now?"

Both Minato and Kushina froze before they gained an angered expression Kushina once again spoke first "What do you mean 'when you hurt him before.'?!" screamed Kushina causing Naruko to back up slightly before she replied "W-well when I make Naruto spar with me I sometimes go too far and I hurt him a bit but whenever he goes to you and Dad, you just ignore him or tell him to quit being whiney so I thought It would be ok to go further and I even started to hit him a bit outside of training."

Kushina and Minato were at a loose as to what they should say but they had discovered something monumental their daughter whom seemed so innocent was in fact torturing her twin for no reason other than that she could both Minato and Kushina looked at their daughter whilst finally understanding just how deeply they were rooted into the situation how their focus on their daughter and lack of attention to their son had left them with one child reveling her true nature with the other in a coma.

Suddenly Naruto shot up startling every one inside the room before Minato the call button signaling for the doctor to come while Naruto simply and quietly got off his bed and moved towards his sister much to everyone's confusion before Naruto slammed his hand into his sister's gut only to wrench it backwards pulling the deep crimson chakra that the Kyuubi was known for that foul and potent chakra was now being ripped and absorbed.

Naruto's face held no emotion as his sister squirmed and writhed in agony whilst he drained her tenant of its chakra and while this was going on Minato and Kushina tried to get to their kids but the Kyuubi's chakra was producing an effective shield and as such they could only watch as Naruto finished what he was doing before he backed away from his sister his expression never changing as he moved to the door only to be stopped by the doctor whom had just arrived.

The Doctor looked down and was shocked at who he had run into "How…how are you awake you were in a coma there is no way you could have recovered this quickly?!"

And cut

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