part 4

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Naruto sat up slowly as he woke up before turning to his door Naruto got out of the bed and exited his room before making his way to the kitchen rubbing his head as he sorted through his memories or the memories of his clones rather.

Once Naruto entered the kitchen however he was greeted by the sight of his biological family staring at him after a moment Naruto moved to the fridge, grabbed some eggs and a pan before making his way to the stove where he made himself some over easy eggs with bits of ham and turkey thrown in along with a smidgen of garlic.

While this was happening the family at the table ate awkwardly unsure of how to interact with the boy but their noses told them that he was a decent cook.

Once the eggs were done Naruto pulled a plate from the cabinet and placed his breakfast on it before exiting the kitchen before either of his parents could utter a word to him.

Naruto made his way to the his room where upon closing the door Naruto made several clones each of which began reading as Naruto sat on his bed and began to eat.

Once he was done with his meal Naruto used his teleportation jutsu to which was a modified version of his father's and teleported to his training ground.

Zetsu sat down and in front of the black and white plant man sat the sword they had been talking about the day before the sword itself was rumbling probably upset about being separated from its wielder Black Zetsu spoke "I brought the blade."

Naruto approached and lifted the sword despite its protests being made in the form of barbs that extended from the handle Naruto grimaced a bit at the pain but stroked the blade and spoke to the blade.

"Don't worry you'll be with your wielder in a bit I just wanted to see you for a bit." as Naruto spoke the blade stopped rumbling and the barbs retreated back into the handle which got a small smile from Naruto and a frown from white Zetsu.

"I don't understand how come it behaves for you?" the white Zetsu asked a bit of jealousy in its voice but Naruto remained calm and switched hands with the sword before he began drawing a seal array with his bloody hand on the ground before replying.

"That's because I treat it like a living being and give it the respect it deserves." stated Naruto as he placed the sword in the middle of the sealing array.

Naruto smiled at his array as he began sending chakra to it causing the sealing array to glow faintly and black tendrils began moving over and in between the chakra eating swords scales and after a moment writing began to appear at the bottom of the sealing array.

Zetsu looked over Naruto's shoulder before a confused grunt exited the mouth of Zetsu Naruto turned an angry scowl on his face and spoke "If you make another noise I will hurt you…" the white half pouted and the black half let out a sound of annoyance.

After a moment the writing at the bottom of the array ended and Naruto let a small smile break across his usually stoic face as he pulled out a piece of paper from a seal on his wrist before he began to copy down the writing at the bottom of the array and once he was done Naruto put the paper back in the seal and gently picked up the sword before gingerly handing it to Zetsu making sure that the black Zetsu half was the one to take it as the white half tried to grab the handle from Naruto and the boy simply smacked the offending hand away.

Naruto watched Zetsu return to his organization via merging with the ground and after a moment he pulled out the paper and looked at the list of items on it that made up the shark skin sword glaring and some of the contents as some of them were rather rare.

Naruto took a moment before to think before five clones popped into existence Naruto applied seal by passing seals and chakra absorbing seals to three of the five before the three vanished to accomplish their tasks while the remaining two got into stances and faced Naruto.

5 hours later

Naruto held his breath before he releasing it as he opened his eyes now ringed eyes before releasing black flames from his eyes which covered one clone which quickly dispelled due to the damage done to it the other clone formed a handle on his shoulder before reaching and pulling a bone blade from its shoulder the clone held the blade firmly and made a mad dash at Naruto whom responded with hand sighs before stomping on the ground saying "Magma release: the floor is lava."

The floor in front of Naruto instantly began to bubble and burst with liquid magma the clone jumped to avoid being dispelled before slashing at Naruto whom hardened the bones in his hand before grabbing the blade as it arched for his neck before snapping the blade and stabbing the clone in the neck dispelling it with the broken blade.

Naruto sat down a moment to gain his breath several minutes later Naruto stood and teleported away to his room before he laid on his bed and picked up a journal and began writing…"And Mai reached over and gently rubbed Narko's chest before leaning over and laying a kiss on the man's cheek." Naruto was the writer of a book series called hidden boyfriend this series like icha icha paradise it is a smut series but unlike icha icha paradise the hidden boyfriend has treats for both genders.

Its because of this shared focus that the series was explosively popular and quickly passed its predecessor in sales right now Naruto was working on the third book in the series hidden boyfriend: make your claim…now Naruto wasn't a pervert but he needed a means to earn a lot of money to pay for items and places however when he was looking for said means he heard Jaiya loudly proclaiming his books success so Naruto read one and decided that it was trash and that if such trash was selling Naruto could defiantly make better ones.

Naruto smiled as he let a small smile come across his face as he turned a page and began writing again.

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