Our Last Day

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Katsuki had just turned 4. At that age, your "quirk" manifests.

"Wow, Kacchan! Explosion!"

Katsuki and Izuku were out in the woods. It wasn't very far off from where their mothers were talking. Katsuki wanted to do some practice with his quirk.

It was such a nice day. One of the nicest to say the least. Trees of green stood still as their leaves flowed in the wind. The grass fresh and soft.

Izuku sat under a tree as he watched Katsuki jump and make small explosions. Suddenly, there was weird noise. It scared Katsuki and he ran over to Izuku. The noise got louder and louder and the two were practically glued to each other. Something big and black swirled around them.

Katsuki tried to scare it away with his explosions but they were too small. The strange black creature/ substance tightened around Izuku and then Katsuki. It ripped them apart from each other and they went flying.

A few pros showed up. They were chasing the black thing and it had gotten away. They saw Katsuki at the foot of a tree covered in blood and scratches. Izuku was in another tree across the clearing hanging on a branch by his shirt, also covered in blood and scratches.

"I'll handle him! Get the kids!"

Mitsuki and Inko had heard the screaming and had just arrived at the clearing. Their faces paled when the saw what happened.

The creature was contained and the heroes were about to rush to a nearby hospital when Inko and Mitsuki showed up.

"Those are our sons! Where are you taking them?!"
"To the nearest hospital. You can meet them there."

The heroes took off and Mitsuki and Inko hurried over to the hospital about five blocks away.

Katsuki woke up. It was the next day. He turned to his left to see Izuku in the bed next to his. He was sleeping peacefully. Katsuki then went back to sleep.

That was the last time he ever saw Izuku.

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